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And you'll amuse yourselves with them like good childher, for I'm goin' to be an hour or so in there, attendin' on your gran'ma. Or will I send up Bridget to be lookin' afther ye?" "Oh no, please!" said Terry, "we can look after ourselves till you come back. Now, can't we, Turly?"

Throw 'em in again an' hand 'em up." When he had secured the load by means of his pack strings he turned to the rancher. "So long, Johnson, an' if I was you I wouldn't lose no time in attendin' to the last solemn obsequies of them defunk dogies. I'll never squeal, but you can't tell how soon someone else might come a-ridin' along through the foot-hills."

Has a queer way of talkin' and walkin' yes, and thinkin'. He's put in the most of his life in out-of-the-way places, boat-fishin' all alone off on the cod banks, or attendin' to lobster pots way down in the South Channel, or aboard lightships two miles from nowhere. That's enough to make any man queer, bein' off by himself so.

Thar's a strange circumstance attendin', as the papers say, the obliteration of this Curly Ben, an' it makes a heap of an impression on me at the time.

Would you mind attendin' to the window while I run out with the mail bag?" "Certainly I will I know where the tickets are, and can ask you the price if any one wants to buy one." Wasn't it queer to sell tickets? But that was the train to the city! "Oh, Uncle Sam!" called Tavia. "Isn't that the train I should go on?"

"He's such a diffident, shy chap, though," goes on Steele, "and after five years in the bush " "Oh, a dose of Mrs. Hollister will do him good," says I. "She won't mind. She'll be bein' bored. Just 'phone her and explain. And remind her when she's gettin' her costume that this ain't any church sociable we're attendin'."

Of course, the newspapers like the reform administration. Why? Because these administrations, with their daily rows, furnish as racy news as prizefights or divorce cases. Tammany don't care to get in the papers. It goes right along attendin' to business quietly and only wants to be let alone. That's one reason why the papers are against us.

You see, I divided the gold you give me among all my boys, an' they all hid it, en' they all feel rich. Howsomever, court was adjourned before the judge passed sentence. Yes, ma'm, court was adjourned some strange an' quick, much as if lightnin' hed struck the meetin'-house. "I hed trouble attendin' the trial, but I got in.

The memory of his recent failure and fall came over him. "What's the use o' me attendin' your meetin's?" he said, almost angrily; "my soul's past recovery, for I don't believe in your prayin' an' psalm-singin'." "You trusted me freely wi' your hand, David, though I'm no surgeon.

"I can send the orange home to ma, and she can put the skins in the chist to make the things smell nice, and I'll git that windy open to-morrow." Clasping her little purse in her hand, and with the orange close beside her head, she lay down to sleep. The smell of the orange made her forget the heavy air in the room. "Anyway," she murmured contentedly, "the Lord is attendin' to all that."