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So, almost before they could believe it, September came, filling the distance with tranquil haze, and mellowing the flats to dim orange, threaded with the keen blue inlets of the bay. Asters began to open lavender stars at the door-stone of Applegate Farm; tall rich milkweed pressed dusty flower-bunches against the fence, and the sumach brandished smoldering pyramids of fire along the roadsides.

Then there was geum, and pale blue-fringed campanulas, and rich lilac asters, yellow violets, the white scented wax-flower, arnica and yellow aconite, both excellent medicines; there were thunder-flowers, and blood-drops, and grass of Parnassus, and hundreds more, all cut down by the scythes.

"That ought to show you then.... But as long as you live you'll give yourself away to people who don't want you." "I'd rather you didn't talk about them." "I should like to know what I can talk about," said Mamma. She folded up her work and laid it in the basket. Her voice dropped from the sharp note of resentment. "I wish you'd go and see if those asters have come." The asters had come.

Other cases of compound flower colors or of color patterns might be given as in the Mimulus and the poppy, and in most of these cases some varieties are to be seen in our gardens which show only the single constituents of the group. Many dark flowers have an intermediate bright hued form besides the white variety, as in the case of roses, asters, Nicandra and so on.

You yourself, my lady, may read it there if you happen to have saved a copy. It ran as follows: "RANGOON: The asters are in full bloom in the garden at Canterbury. They are very beautiful especially the white ones." Bray grunted, and opened his little eyes.

The forests were gaudy in their painted shrouds of scarlet and yellow leaves, and long, feathery flakes of purple bloom nodded over crimson berries, emerald mosses, and golden-hearted asters. Only a few weeks previous, Dr.

An elderly couple lived in the "Belmont House" and did all that was necessary in the present stage of Isabel's fortunes. She found the woman house-cleaning and the old man weeding among the abundant crysanthemums and asters in the half acre which still surrounded the old mansion. She gave her orders and started for the home of her sister.

In the window was a table, also made of boards, with an earthenware jar holding a big bunch of wild asters, two canvas chairs stood near by, and in one corner was a mattress with a Mexican blanket over it. The room was empty, and leaning her bicycle against the house Charity clambered up the slope and sat down on a rock under an old apple-tree.

Sometimes the summer showed here a growth of marigolds, with sweet peas and china asters, for Andy was fond of flowers, and when he had leisure he did a little floral gardening; but this year, owing to Richard's absence, there had been more to do on the farm, consequently the ornamental had been neglected, and the late autumn flowers which, in honor of Ethelyn's arrival, were standing in vases on the center table and the mantel, were contributed by Melinda Jones, who had been very busy in other portions of the house working for the bride.

Now it is a veritable mixing pat for the autumn colors to come, yellow with goldenrod, blue with asters, purple with Joe-Pye weed, rosy because of the hardhack, and rimmed with delicate gray-white of thoroughwort. These colors it will hold until the maples take fire and the green of birches pales to softest yellow at the expectation of October.