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«Enfin, par fois, des masses plus petites placées entre les grosses, semblent assurer la situation fixe de l'ensemble des blocs; mais ces rencontres sont fort rares

O Gift-giver and assurer of joy! this tall one is he who was once oppressed by eld, and who hath come hither to thee from the Isle of Ransom, according to the custom of the land." Said the King: "Tall man, it is well that thou art come. Now are thy days changed and thou yet alive.

As soon as the child was placed on his lap, those superfluous arms of his fell down and the eye on his forehead also disappeared. And beholding this, the queen in alarm and anxiety begged of Krishna a boon. And she said, 'O mighty-armed Krishna, I am afflicted with fear; grant me a boon. Thou art the assurer of all afflicted ones and that the dispeller of everybody's fear. Thus addressed by her.

If they will assure them, then the Assurer goes away with the profit: and they are also so greedy and cunning, that the least storm or bad tiding makes them very slow and circumspect; or if they be not so, it is to be feared, so there happen many losses, that then the Assurer himself might come to be lost.

It was better to smile if only with regret; better, above all, to pass lightly, swiftly, gaily over the depths as well as the surface of existence; for life is short almost as short as one of his own fables Qui de nous des clartés de la voûte azurée Doit jouir le dernier? Est-il aucun moment Qui vous puisse assurer d'un second seulement? The age was great in prose as well as in poetry.

"Certainement que j'y crois: tout le monde le sait; et d'ailleurs le pretre me l'a dit." Isabelle was an odd, blunt little creature. She added, sotto voce: "Pour assurer votre salut la-haut, on ferait bien de vous bruler toute vive ici-bas." I laughed, as, indeed, it was impossible to do otherwise. Has the reader forgotten Miss Ginevra Fanshawe?

The problem, to his mind, was how to act so as to efface from the minds of princes and people these recollections; to conquer that he might unite; to introduce, as he conquered, principles so acceptable to all classes, to the prince as well as to the peasant, that they should combine to regard him as the protecting father, the unit necessary to ward off from them evil, the assurer to them of the exercise of their immemorial rights and privileges, the assertor of the right of the ablest, independently of his religion, or his caste, or his nationality, to exercise command under himself, the maintainer of equal laws, equal justice, for all classes.

And she said, "O mighty-armed Krishna, I am afflicted with fear; grant me a boon. Thou art the assurer of all afflicted ones and that the dispeller of everybody's fear." Thus addressed by her, Krishna, that son of the Yadu race, said "Fear not, O respected one. Thou art acquainted with morality. Thou needest have no fear from me. What boon shall I give thee? What shall I do, O aunt?

Si cette Chambre se retrempe au moins partiellement dans l'election, elle y trouvera, peut-etre, une force capable de lui assurer dans le gouvernement une part au moins egale a celle de la Chambre des Communes, au moment ou celle-ci baissera en valeur morale proportionnellement a l'extension du suffrage....

Elles déclarent que défalcation faite du service qu'elles doivent assurer