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They were to concentrate at the pass of Kerrund, which conducted into the province of Bagdad, and await the arrival of the king. At the dawn of day, the royal division and the Sacred Guard, the whole under the command of Asriel, quitted the capital.

Asriel and Ithamar poured down their columns in the rear of that chieftain, and by dawn a division of the guard had crossed the river, the care of which had been entrusted to Scherirah, and had thrown themselves into the palace. Alroy sallied forth at the head of these fresh troops. His presence decided a result which was perhaps never doubtful.

These are the sons of Gilead: of Jeezer, the family of the Jeezerites: of Helek, the family of the Helekites: And of Asriel, the family of the Asrielites: and of Shechem, the family of the Shechemites: And of Shemida, the family of the Shemidaites: and of Hepher, the family of the Hepherites.

'And when you get there? enquired Ithamar. 'You may fight with the Franks, replied Asriel. 'Jabaster, how large is Jerusalem? enquired Ithamar. 'Is it true, as I have sometimes heard, that it is not bigger than the serail here, gardens and all?

I pray thee stay, my sweet! 'Never! I will not quit thee. I am quite prepared. At break of dawn? 'Tis near on midnight now. I'll lay me down upon this couch awhile, and travel in my litter. Art sure Alp Arslan is himself in the field? 'Quite sure, my sweet. 'Confusion on his crown! We'll conquer. Goes Asriel with us? 'Ay! 'That's well; at break of dawn. I'm somewhat drowsy.

I did not say Jabaster willed thy death, though Asriel says so; 'tis me he wars against; and if indeed Jabaster be a man so near thy heart, if he indeed be one so necessary to thy prosperity, and cannot live in decent order with thy slave that's here, I know my duty, Sir. I would not have thy fortunes farred to save my single heart, although I think 'twill break.

Scherirah looked solemn. There was a pause, which was broken by Asriel. ''Tis a noble city, this Bagdad. I have not yet visited your quarters, Jabaster. You are well placed. 'As it may be. I hope we shall not tarry here long. The great point is still not achieved. 'How far is it to the holy city? enquired Scherirah. 'A month's march, replied Jabaster.

The stern priest writhed under it; and as he signed the ordinance, shivered his reed in rage. I never saw a man more pale. 'Or more silent. He looked like an embodied storm. I tell you what, Asriel, that stern priest loves not us. 'Have you just discovered that secret, Ithamar? We are not of his school. Nor, in good faith, is our ruler. I am glad to see the king is so staunch about Abidan.

The Karasmians made a general and simultaneous advance. In a few minutes the Hebrew army was thrown into confusion. The stoutest warriors threw away their swords in despair. Every one thought only of self-preservation. Even Abner fled towards Hamadan. Asriel was slain.

'Run to the Queen, my faithful Pharez, and tell her that all's well. I wish it were! Didst ever hear a din so awful? Methinks all the tambours and cymbals of the city are in full chorus. Foul play, I guess. Oh! for Asriel! Has Pharez returned? 'I am by your side, my lord. 'How's the Queen? 'She would gladly join your side. 'No, no! Keep the gates there.