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Updated: August 19, 2024

On October 19th, at the Guildhall, began the Great Oyer of Poisoning, as Coke described it, with the trial of Richard Weston. Thus at the very outset the dishonesty of the proceedings is apparent. Weston was an accessory. Both on his own evidence and that of Sir Gervase Elwes, besides the apothecary's boy in Flushing, Sir Thomas Overbury had died following upon an injection prepared by Loubel.

Copperas prepared the tea, which she did in the approved method adopted by all ladies to whom economy is dearer than renown, namely, the least possible quantity of the soi-disant Chinese plant was first sprinkled by the least possible quantity of hot water; after this mixture had become as black and as bitter as it could possibly be without any adjunct from the apothecary's skill, it was suddenly drenched with a copious diffusion, and as suddenly poured forth weak, washy, and abominable, into four cups, severally appertaining unto the four partakers of the matutinal nectar.

Very well! Then put the musicians' travelling expenses upon the apothecary's bill. They have as much right to be there as the senna leaves. But, if the penny pinchers in the council of finance refuse to advance the necessary funds, why charge this medicine to my account. I'll pay for it, in spite of the numerous leeches that suck my substance."

She looked about the room for any flask which might contain wine; but there was nothing there except the apothecary's phials and medicaments. It was dusk already, and she was alone in a strange house.

Honoria, for instance, was always practising, and she would take poor me to rehearse her accomplishment upon; or the exciseman, when he came his rounds, or the steward, or the poor curate, or the young apothecary's lad from Brady's Town: whom I recollect beating once for that very reason. If he is alive now I make him my apologies.

M. de Hardenberg, who accompanied him, made the remark to the emperor Napoleon, that Prussia had paid one third more than the promised contributions. The emperor turning his back to him, replied: "An apothecary's bill," for he has a secret pleasure in making use of vulgar expressions, the more to humble those who are the objects of it.

In Venice there is a little court of which I forget the name: but in it is an apothecary's shop, whither I went to buy some remedy for the bites of certain animals which abound in Venice. Crawling animals, skipping animals, and humming, flying animals; all three will have at you at once; and one night nearly drove me into a strait-waistcoat.

It set me to thinking about slavery, and I have kept thinking ever since." "Not exactly such a silent thinking as the apothecary's famous owl, I judge," said Mrs. Blumenthal. "No," replied he, laughing. "I never had the Quaker gift of gathering into the stillness, that's a fact.

Credit me, sir, I thought it prudent to counteract a bit of an apothecary's shop odour in the junior Liberal candidate's address. I found the town sniffing, they scented Shrapnel in the composition. 'Every line of it was mine, said Beauchamp.

Now medicine " "Do not let me hear the word; the mere idea is intolerable. My son, the heir of the Purlings must not condescend so low." "Considering my own father was a doctor," cried Harold, rather hotly. "Not a mere doctor. A man of science, of world-wide repute, is not like a general practitioner, with a red lamp and an apothecary's shop, where he makes up " "Pills?" said Harold, again.

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