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"I meant not to promise to do favors for other folks unless we can and will see that they are done." "Ain't it a favor to be good when it's easier and naturaler to be bad not really bad, either, but just yourself?" "No, dear. We ought to try to be good without anyone's asking us to, and just because it is easier to do wrong than right is no excuse for us at all."

Push through two doors and then make yourself right to home." Course anyone's liable to have a freak cousin or so knockin' round in the background, and I s'pose it was a star play of Mr. Robert's, givin' the glad hand to this one; but if I'd found Clifford hangin' on my fam'ly tree I'd have felt like gettin' out the prunin' saw. Maybe Mr.

Did it ever enter anyone's head that the amiable landlord who cracked so many jokes at the Japanese inn not far from the railroad station at Reno commanded a battalion?

If the conductor had been on, there wouldn't have been any occasion for any accident." "Well, sir, you may be assured that we will take precautions against any such accidents. It is more for our interest than anyone's to guard against them. And I have explained to you the necessity of cutting down our expense list."

"Not so roughly, William!" said the prompter in a sibilant whisper. "Don't make so much noise. They can't hear a word anyone's saying." At last William was clothed in the nightgown and nightcap and lying in the bed ready for little Red Riding-Hood's entrance.

As for you instigated both by your kindness to myself and my affection for you, I urge you to use all your care and industry to obtain the full glory, for which you have burned with such generous ardour from boyhood, and never, under anyone's injurious conduct, to bend that high spirit of yours, which I have always admired and always loved.

"Doubtless you know," said he, "what has happened down in the Blueridge Mountains near Morganton." "Surely, Mr. Ward, the phenomena reported from there have been singular enough to arouse anyone's curiosity." "They are singular, even remarkable, Strock. No doubt about that.

"But never, to the best of anyone's knowledge, to anyone else." The Count swore briefly, though only to herself. They had never thought to ask the supposedly-unChanged ones about their dreams, and they or at least she! should have.

I'll turn over a new leaf for the future, and treat you with becoming ceremony. I can quite imagine the disgust of the budding debutante at my cavalier ways. Confess now that your dignity was sorely wounded?" His eyes were twinkling again. They are grey, and his face is so brown that they look lighter than the skin. I never saw anyone's eyes look like that before, but it is awfully nice.

One enterprising officer tried to revive an interest in calculus and actually collected a few members though how long the course lasted is anyone's guess.