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For what she sought above all else in this liaison was revenge for the sorrows and humiliations of her youth. Nothing delighted her so much, for example, when returning from an evening drive in the Bois, as a supper at the Cafe Anglais with the sounds of luxurious vice around her.

The reputation of a great beauty is soon made, and Regina had been seen often enough in Paris alone with Marcello in a box at the theatre, or dining with him and two or three other young men at Ritz's or the Café Anglais, to be an object of interest to the clever Parisian "chroniclers."

Her face changed to its reddest, and remained at that, and all the fundamental innocence of her nature, which had been overlaid by the violent experiences of her brief companionship with Gerald, rose again to the surface with that blush. Her situation drew pity from a few hearts and a careless contempt from the rest. But since once more it was a question of ces Anglais, nobody could be astonished.

He seemed buried in deep thought; indeed, when we reached the door and I turned in, he walked a step or two farther on, as if not noticing to what place I had brought him. Then he drew himself up short, and gazed around him for a moment. "Ha, the Anglais," he said and I may mention in passing that his English, in spite of a slight southern accent, was idiomatic and excellent.

At this point the Mississippi winds almost in a circle, insomuch that vessels which arrive are necessitated to make fast till a change of wind occur. From the Detour des Anglais towards New Orleans the face of the country undergoes an alteration.

I hear nothing of French scandal nothing of Italian toujours les Anglais." "Because we are shocked at these things, and make a noise about them, while you take them quietly. Vice is our episode your epic." "I suppose it is so," said the Frenchman, with affected seriousness. "If we cheat at play, or flirt with a fair lady, we do it with decorum, and our neighbours think it no business of theirs.

"Why, are they going the Rhenish circuit?" he says, and reads: Sir Thomas Minos, Lady Minos, nebst Begleitung, aus England. Sir John AEacus, mit Familie und Dienerschaft, aus England. Sir Roger Raadamanthus. Thomas Smith, Serjeant. Serjeant Brown and Mrs. Brown, aus England. Serjeant Tomkins, Anglais. Madame Tomkins, Mesdemoiselles Tomkins.

The priests and the noble regiments who rode back when the affair was over, were for having the Prince shot at once, and murmured loudly against "cet Anglais brutal" who interposed in behalf of the prisoner.

However this may have been, after the play was over, we went off, all three of us, to the Café Anglais. We had a capital supper, during which Madame Jean Bonaffé, feeling more at her ease under these intimate circumstances, gave free play to her fascinations.

But America, touring Europe like mad after years of enforced absence, outnumbered all other nations atravel ten to one. By no feat of fancy could one imagine Gideon Gory, of the Winnebago, Wisconsin, Gorys, employed daily and nightly as a gigolo in the gilt and marble restaurants that try to outsparkle the Mediterranean along the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Gideon Gory, of Winnebago, Wisconsin!