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Why did this duty not fall to the men of the post?" "They said, as you, M'sieu, but an hour back, that it was a quest of death. They love life. I love the factor." She made her explanation simply, in all innocence, looking gravely into the fire, and Mr. Mowbray gasped inwardly. "I see. So Anders McElroy is your lover.

This was greeted with a shout of laughter, and Anders, now believing that friendly relations had been established, went to the boat for a plank to bridge the chasm. As Leo and Alf assisted him to carry the plank, the natives again became grave and anxious. "Stop!" shouted Eemerk, "you want to kill us. What great creature is that? Does it come from the moon or the sun? Does it eat fire and smoke?"

Old Anders had at first taken his place by the kitchen door, but that evening they seemed to be pretty quiet, and he was always anxious to hear what they said when the conversation turned upon the firm. He therefore left the door and came up to the table, where Tom Robson made room for him, and at the same time offered him a drink from his mug. "Thanks, Mr.

He said it was an insult that must be avenged. Oddly enough he made use of an expression which sounded curiously familiar to Leo's ears, as translated by Anders. "The insult," said Grabantak, "could only be washed out in blood!" Strange, that simple savages of the far north should hold to that ridiculous doctrine.

Lasse and Pelle openly admitted their inexperience; but Anders pretended he had got drunk on it more than once, though every one knew it was untrue. Mons returned, moving cautiously, with the beer in his arms; it was a precious commodity. They drank it out of the large dram-glasses that were meant for the punch.

Hans Thorbjorn was standing with his back against a tree, and all the time he was pushing with his hands pushing something away from him which was not there. So he was not dead. And they led him away, and took him to the house at Nykjoping, and he died before the winter; but he went on pushing with his hands. Also Anders Bjornsen was there; but he was dead.

"But try and get through your work." "No, time's for tailors and shoemakers, not for honest people!" said Anders in an undertone. The bailiff turned upon him as quick as a cat, and Anders' arm darted up above his head bent as if to ward off a blow.

It was done so quickly that Anders got no hold of Gustav; but in swinging round he got a firm grasp of Gustav's hair, and they both fell on their backs with their heads together and their bodies stretched in opposite directions. Anders had fallen heavily, and lay half unconscious, but without loosening his hold on Gustav's hair.

"What the devil are you up to now, you swine?" he said, spitting down into Anders' face. "He's trying to sneak out by the back door!" he said, looking round the circle with a face wrinkled like that of a young bull.

The monastery of Antoorskov has vanished, even the last solitary remaining wing, though one old relic still exists renovated and renovated again a wooden cross upon the heights above, where, in legendary lore, it is said that HOLY ANDERS, the warrior priest, woke up, borne thither in one night from Jerusalem! Korsör there wert thou born, who gave us