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Updated: August 16, 2024

You say I'm hones'. Wal, I'm hones' now, an' I come to you wit' fair words an' I show my han' to you I don' hoi' out no cards, M'sieu' but I don' t'ink it is you who have play square, altogeder. I'm Necia's frien', an' I'll fight for her jus' so queecker lak' you, but I mus' know dis t'ing for sure, so if you have de good heart an' de courage of good man you'll tell me de truth.

"All pale-face in hurry! Ask ten, one, four question, altogeder. Well; answer him so. Down here, at mill; down dere, at mill; half an hour, six, two, ten o'clock." "I understand you to say that major Willoughby was at the mill when you saw him last, and that this was only half an hour since?" The Tuscarora nodded his head in assent, but made no other reply.

"Oh! massa, it is too much," Tony said, with the tears running down his cheeks; "too much joy altogeder." "Well, I hope it will all come right, Tony. Dinah will be here in a minute or two. Do not keep her long, for I do not wish her absence from the house to be observed just now. Now, listen to my instructions. Do you know the plantation of Mr. Furniss, on the Pamunky, near Coal Harbor?"

M 's prediction was fulfilled: "Will not be in bliss? A thousand men, every one as black as a coal!" I confess it. The band of the Eighth Maine joined us at the entrance of the town, and escorted us in. Sergeant Rivers said ecstatically afterwards, in describing the affair, "And when dat band wheel in before us, and march on, my God! I quit dis world altogeder."

"Wyandotté come Nick gone away altogeder. Nebber see Sassy Nick, ag'in, at Dam." "I am glad to hear this, Tuscarora, and as Maud says, you may speak plainly." "T'ink, den, best be ready. Mohawk feel worse dan if he lose ten, t'ree, six scalp. Injin know Injin feelin'. Pale-face can't stop red- skin, when blood get up."

"More the better luck for him," said one of the Canadians, who had already kindled a fire, before which one of his comrades was busily engaged setting up juicy venison steaks to roast. "Oui," observed another; "vraiment, Canada beats Scottish land altogeder." "Ha!

"Hebens, golly! didn't I hear her tell Missis so?" "Her mother? And what did she say?" "Oh! she and Missis Helen kinder laughed, and showed all dar white teef, and dey didn't try to persuade her to go, 'cause dey knowed dar wan't no use ob tryin' to do nuffin' like dat. She lubs the Leftenant altogeder too much. Yah! yah!" and Cato kicked up his heels, hugely delighted.

"Oh, massa, it is too much," Tony said, with the tears running down his cheeks; "too much joy altogeder." "Well, I hope it will all come right, Tony. Dinah will be here in a minute or two. Do not keep her long, for I do not wish her absence from the house to be observed just now. Now, listen to my instructions. Do you know the plantation of Mr. Furniss, on the Pamunkeyunky, near Coal harbor?"

Now, if any man suspect me to go on work ob dis a kind in de day time, when ebery body see me in you company, he as much mistake as when he kiss his granny for a gal. De night is de proper time for sich a dark business, and it suit me better if I 'scuse altogeder from it. But I wish to 'bleege you, Missa Basset.

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