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Updated: August 15, 2024

Alphonsus recommends that priests saying the Breviary should say it before a crucifix or before a statue or picture of the Blessed Virgin, so that gazing from time to time on these holy objects may foster or renew pious thoughts. II. A great aid to pious recitation of the Hours is to take up a respectful position.

In the Selva, St. Alphonsus writes: "It is related that while two religious recited Matins a devil appeared, caused an intolerable stench, and through mockery said, 'To the prayer which you offer such incense is suited' ad talem orationem tale debetur incensum." Which attitude is the best? Seeing the examples of the saints, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Francis de Sales, St.

The king's ministers advised his majesty not to permit them to pass, but to force them back into the city; by which means he would speedily become master of it. Alphonsus, however, had too humane a disposition to hearken to counsel, the policy of which rested on driving a helpless multitude into the jaws of famine.

The force of this engine, added my father, is incredible in opening a child's head. 'Tis enough, brother Shandy, cried my uncle Toby, to burst it into a thousand splinters. What is that, cried my father, to what is told us of Alphonsus Tostatus, who, almost in his nurse's arms, learned all the sciences and liberal arts without being taught any one of them?

When may a priest begin the recitation of Matins and Lauds for the following day? There were two different replies given to this question. One opinion stated that it was lawful to begin Matins and Lauds after 2 o'clock, p.m., and this could be lawfully done every day in the year, and in every land. Another opinion and St. Alphonsus calls it sententia verior denies that such a course is lawful.

With the approval of the eminent poet, Mr Geo. Russell. That might be Lizzie Twigg with him. A. E.: what does that mean? Initials perhaps. Albert Edward, Arthur Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. What was he saying? The ends of the world with a Scotch accent. Tentacles: octopus. Something occult: symbolism. Holding forth. She's taking it all in. Not saying a word.

His plays, all pub. posthumously, include Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, Alphonsus, King of Aragon, and George-a-Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield. His tales are written under the influence of Lyly, whence he received from Gabriel Harvey the nickname of "Euphues' Ape." His works are included in Grosart's "Huth Library."

LALANDE. A very deep ring-plain, about 14 miles in diameter, N.E. of Ptolemaeus, with bright terraced walls, some 6000 feet above the floor, which contains a low central mountain. On the N. is the long cleft running, with some interruptions, in a W.N.W. direction towards Reaumur. DAVY. A deep irregular ring-plain, 23 miles across, on the Mare E. of Alphonsus.

The book which he used for these visits was an old neglected book written by saint Alphonsus Liguori, with fading characters and sere foxpapered leaves. A faded world of fervent love and virginal responses seemed to be evoked for his soul by the reading of its pages in which the imagery of the canticles was interwoven with the communicant's prayers.

ALPETRAGIUS. A fine object, 27 miles in diameter, closely connected with the S.E. side of Alphonsus. It has peaks on the W. towering 12,000 feet above the floor, on which there is an immense central mountain, which in extent, complexity, and altitude surpasses many terrestrial mountain systems as, for example, the Snowdonian group.

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