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Potius is an adj. and goes with videbatur==it seemed preferable. Legionum vexillis. So Gronovius. The word seems to be used in both senses. See note, H. 1, 31. In aequum. Into the plain. Aequus, prim. level, hence aequor, sea. Erexit aciem. Led his troops up the steep. So His. 3, 71: erigunt aciem per adversum collem. Ac ceteris. Cf.

They have never learned self-reliance; and, the result is, they never learned anything worth knowing. They can never appreciate this saying of the immortal Burke: "I was not rocked and swaddled and dandled into a legislator. Nitor in adversum is the motto for a man like me." Those who are afraid to move without the arms of a rich ancestry around them, will never learn to walk erect.

Here is a clergyman who has edited certain Greek plays admirably; let us make him a bishop. It may be remarked here, that the men who have attained the greatest success in the race of life have generally carried weight. Nitor in adversum might be the motto of many a man besides Burke.

He fought freedom's fight with all the weapons God had given him; and for the liberty we now enjoy, in great degree, we are debtors to Martin Luther. I was not, like His Grace of Bedford, swaddled and rocked and dandled into a legislator; "nitor in adversum" is the motto for a man like me.

Quod est ante pedes, nemo spectat: caeli scrutantur plagas. III. XII. Irreligious Spirit In the -Telephus- we find him saying -Palam mutire plebeio piaculum est. III. XIII. Luxury The following verses, excellent in matter and form, belong to the adaptation of the -Phoenix- of Euripides: -Sed virum virtute vera vivere animatum addecet, Fortiterque innoxium vocare adversum adversarios.

Something of these studies may appear incidentally in some of the earliest things I published. The House has been witness to their effect, and has profited of them, more or less, for above eight-and-twenty years. To their estimate I leave the matter. I was not, like his Grace of Bedford, swaddled and rocked and dandled into a legislator: "Nitor in adversum" is the motto for a man like me.

Sei ques esent, quei arvorsum ead fecisent, quam suprad | scriptum adversum ea 26. est, eeis rem caputalem faciendam censuere atque utei | hoce in 27. tabolam abenam inceideretis, ita senatus aiquom censuit; | uteique eam aequum 28. figier ioubeatis ubei facilumed gnoscier potisit; atque | utei ea Ba- 29. canalia, sei qua sunt, exstrad quam sei quid ibei sacri est | ita utei suprad scriptum est, in diebus x. quibus vobis tabelai datai 30. erunt, | faciatis utci dismota sient in agro Teurano."

"I was not," Burke said, in a passage of lofty dignity, "like his Grace of Bedford, swaddled and rocked and dandled into a legislator; Nitor in adversum is the motto for a man like me. I possessed not one of the qualities, nor cultivated one of the arts, that recommend men to the favour and protection of the great. I was not made for a minion or a tool.

Let us band together against the fanaticism which crucified Him and which is now poisoning His Church; and if suffering be our reward, let us give thanks to the Father: 'Beati estis cum persecuti vos fuerint et dixerint omne malum adversum vos, mentientes, propter me." Don Paolo Faré started to his feet and embraced the orator. Di Leynì fixed upon him eyes aflame with enthusiasm.

Of faith in God is born our faith in men, of hope in God hope in men, and of charity or piety towards God for as Cicero said, est enim pietas iustitia adversum deos charity towards men. In God is resumed not only Humanity, but the whole Universe, and the Universe spiritualized and penetrated with consciousness, for as the Christian Faith teaches, God shall at last be all in all. St.