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Yet all the same, no supercilious beast of an editor or actor-manager curse the whole stinking lot shall rob me of my faith in myself of my belief that I am great if I had justice, nothing less than that, I tell you, nothing less than great." Dominic Iglesias drew himself up, sitting very still, his lips rigid, not from defect, but from excess of sympathy.

Mr. Manley gazed at his scowling face and wondered idly whether he would ever light on another human being whom he would detest so heartily as he detested his employer. He thought it indeed unlikely. Still, when he became a successful dramatist there might be an actor-manager Then Lord Loudwater said: "Did you tell Mrs.

Miraudin, who in his position of actor-manager, takes despicable advantage of all the poor ignorant, struggling creatures who try to get into his company, and whose vain little heads are turned by a stray compliment, and to think that the Marquis Fontenelle should be merely the better-born copy of so mean a villain!

When Susan, following Burlingham, reached the rear deck, she saw the man at this oar a fat, amiable-looking rascal, in linsey woolsey and a blue checked shirt open over his chest and revealing a mat of curly gray hair. Burlingham hailed him as Pat his only known name. But Susan had only a glance for him and no ear at all for the chaffing between him and the actor-manager.

The play would have to be cut about, then; perhaps the actor-manager was disappointed with his own part. . . . "Well, let's hear all about it," Manders began heartily. "When did you find time to write it? After you'd got 'The Bomb-Shell' out of the way?" "Not immediately. I knocked off all my other work and concentrated on this thing day and night for three months." "Three months?

After the first few days of bewilderment on the bare, bleak stage, where oddments of dilapidated furniture served to indicate thrones and staircases and palace doors and mossy banks; where men and women in ordinary costume behaved towards one another in the most ridiculous way and went through unintelligible actions with phantom properties; where the actor-manager would pause in the breath of an impassioned utterance and cry out, "Oh, my God! stop that hammering!" where nothing looked the least bit in the world like the lovely ordered picture he had been accustomed to delight in from the shilling gallery after the first few days he began to focus this strange world and to suffer its fascination.

"Oh, Marion!" he gasped, "suppose he should? He won't, though," he added, but eying her eagerly and inviting contradiction. "He will," she answered, stoutly, "if he reads it." "The other managers read it," Carroll suggested, doubtfully. "Yes, but what do they know?" Marion returned, loftily. "He knows. Charles Wimpole is the only intelligent actor-manager in London."

"Bacon was a philosopher," said Willmott, "and Shakespeare was a poet a dramatic poet; but Shakespeare was also an actor, an actor-manager, and only an actor-manager could have written the plays." "What do you think of the Bacon theory?" asked Faubourg of the stranger. "I think," said the stranger, "that we shall soon have to say eggs and Shakespeare instead of eggs and Bacon."

Mortal men are liable to motor accidents; even kings' cars have backfired; but it seems strange that actor-managers are not specially exempt from these occurrences. Mr Levinski was not only angry; he was also a little shocked. When an actor-manager has to walk two miles to the nearest town on a winter evening one may be pardoned a doubt as to whether all is quite right with the world.

They are simply enthusiasts, and their name is Legion.... It is they who salute the actor-manager after the curtain has fallen with persistent demands of 'Speech! Speech! And it is to the request of these good and faithful friends that he accedes at last, in a voice broken by emotion, due to their spontaneous and generous reception."