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And after all that you were doing for him, and had done for him! I mean, of course, after all that I had done for him, and was doing for him. It is mean enough, surely, for a man to beg, and from a woman; but to threaten afterwards. Ach! But I think, my dear, it is checkmate to him this time.

Reist, "and you let me know when you boil apple butter and I'll come and help stir." "All right, Rebecca. I hope the children will behave and not cut up like to-day. You are always so ready to help us I can't understand why they did such a thing. I'm ashamed." "Ach, it's all right, long as my bonnet ain't spoiled. If that had happened then there'd be a different kind o' bird pipin'."

It was late in the afternoon ere Wilhelm and Frida reached the hut of Johann Schmidt, where he left the child for a while, whilst he went on to the Volkmans to tell them of Frida's return, and that she hoped to see them the next day. Gretchen met the girl with a cry of delight. "Ach! there she comes, our own little Fräulein. What a pleasure it is to see thee again, our woodland pet!

Fernanda made up her silly mind to marry a Scotch engineer and go to Australia. I was at my wits' end the day she gave notice; I said to myself: 'Ach Gott! what can we do? No maids in Rangoon, and meine liebe Flora so helpless! Then a splendid thought came into my mind her nieces!

She worked as if for dear life, but every quiver of her back told that she was listening. "You agree vit' me?" "It seems reasonable; the subject is one that you have deeply studied." "Ach so! T'e perfect organism must haf t'e perfect beauty. T'e vorld has nefer seen a perfectly beautiful man or voman. Vat vould it say to von, t'ink you?

Fraulein Pfaff who had seemed to hover and smile about the girl as if half afraid to speak to her, had put out a hand for Miriam and said almost deprecatingly, "Ach, mm, dies' ist unser Ulrica." The girl's thin fingers had come out of her furs and fastened convulsively like cold, throbbing claws on to the breadth of Miriam's hand.

He would have put his hand into the fire for this clever little man, whom he admired so immensely. Once they discussed the ousting of Langdon. "It would be quite legal," Ruef contended. "The Mayor and Board have power to remove a district attorney and select his successor." Henry Ach, advisor of the boss, looked dubious. "I'm not sure of that. Moreover, it's bad politics.

Ach, you you make me ashamed before Mr. Vetsburg you should run down to the people we make our living off of." Miss Kaufman flashed her vivid face toward Mr. Vetsburg, still low there in his chair. She was trembling. "Vetsy knows! He's the only one in this house does know!

Stepan Trofimovitch, as pale as death, stretched out his hand above him. "Ach, what folly a man will descend to!" cried Pyotr Stepanovitch, actually surprised. "Well, good-bye, old fellow, I shall never come and see you again. Send me the article beforehand, don't forget, and try and let it be free from nonsense. Facts, facts, facts. And above all, let it be short. Good-bye."

Before Nanking could climb the ladder again, it was sailing through the air, magnificent as a ship, toward its winter pastures on the bay of Chisopecke. "He! Zoo!" exclaimed the soldiers. "Foei! weg!" cried the fishermen. Only three persons said "Ach! helas!" the Widow Cloos, pretty Elsje, and Nanking. "Thy stork is a savage bird!" cried Peter Alrichs.