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Updated: August 14, 2024

"Hetty sez he sez he wants a quiet place to study." Hiram snorts with scorn. "Oh, fid-del! You don't catch no Noo York young feller a-settlin' down in Radville unless he's crazy or somethin' worse." "'Tain't no use tellin' Hetty Carpenter thet." "No; if anybody sez a word agin him she shets 'em right up." "'Tain't only Hetty, but all the wimmin's on his side."

"Kill you?" sneered Stillwater. "Do you think I'm going to put up with the way I've been treated? Not much! I had a fine thing in Arkansas City something worth a thousand a week to me, and you and your friends spoiled it all. I'm going to settle with you, and after that I shall hunt up Pawnee Brown and the rest and settle with them, also." "You'll have your hands full a-settlin' with Pawnee."

He pushed away his plate and sat staring at his stepbrother, who presently fell to at the bacon and eggs like a famished wolf. Not a word was said until Levi had ended his meal and filled his pipe. "Look'ee, Hiram," said he, as he stooped over the fire and raked out a hot coal. "Look'ee, Hiram! I've been to Philadelphia, d'ye see, a-settlin' up that trouble I told you about when I first come home.

"I warn't more'n jest in time, I tell ye! We was a-settlin' fast. A little more'n we'd ha' struck " He snapped the fingers of both hands and made a gesture expressive of the complete destruction which would have resulted. "I tell you what, Mr. Droop," said Rebecca, sternly, but with a little shake in her voice, "you've got to jest tend to business and navigate this thing we're a-ridin' on.

And he sang his latest favorite, with the gang supping his mixture between the stanzas: "Oh, hove flat down on Quero Banks Was the Bounding Billow, Captain Hanks, And the way she was a-settlin' was an awful sight to see" Then Wesley Marrs sang a song and after him Patsie Oddie followed with a roarer.

And I do declare it wuz jest as surprisin' to me to see the way they wuz rigged out as it would be to see a lot of crows a-settlin' down on our cornfield with red and yeller tail feathers. To home they didn't go nowhere, only to meetin' the mother bein' very genteel, comin' down as she did from a very old and genteel family. Dretful blue blood I spoze her folks had blue as indigo, I spoze.

Mace Day shot Daws Dillon's brother, as I rickollect somep'n's al'ays a-startin' up that plaguey war an' a-makin' things frolicsome over thar an' ef it hadn't a-been fer a tall young feller with black hair an' a scar across his forehead, who was a-goin' through the mountains a-settlin' these wars, blame me ef I believe thar ever would 'a' been any mo' preachin' on Kingdom-Come.

He pushed away his plate and sat staring at his stepbrother, who presently fell to at the bacon and eggs like a famished wolf. Not a word was said until Levi had ended his meal and filled his pipe. "Look'ee, Hiram," said he, as he stooped over the fire and raked out a hot coal. "Look'ee, Hiram! I've been to Philadelphia, d'ye see, a-settlin' up that trouble I told you about when I first come home.

'Well, I'm sure! said Mrs Gamp, 'you're a-settlin' of it, Mr Chuffey. To your satigefaction, sir, I hope. But I wouldn't lay a new pincushion on it myself, sir, though you ARE so well informed. Drat the old creetur, he's a-layin' down the law tolerable confident, too! A deal he knows of sons! or darters either! Suppose you was to favour us with some remarks on twins, sir, WOULD you be so good!

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