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I am mighty glad you are here; for if we put our heads together we can surely find some way of getting free." "Bless your eyes, don't I wish we may. Maybe there's a fate in it, sir. Fate jined you and me when it made me set Vetch a-rolling in the barrel, and 'tis fate has jined us all three here.

"Oh, haul the bowline, Katy is my darling, Oh, haul the bowline, the bowline haul! "Oh, haul the bowline, London girls are towing, Oh, haul the bowline, the bowline haul! "Oh, haul the bowline, the packet is a-rolling, Oh, haul the bowline, the bowline haul!" With anchor apeak, topsails jerked aloft and flattened, the schooner took the wind.

The Englishman has burrowed under the bed of his great river, and set ships of two or three thousand tons a-rolling over his head, only to provide new sites for a few old women to sell cakes and ginger-beer!

Although tired of my journey, it was some little time before I could get asleep; and it so fell out, that after the folks of the house were all abed, and still, it being, as I judge, nigh midnight, I chanced to touch with my foot a pumpkin lying near the bed, which set it a-rolling down the stairs, bumping hard on every stair as it went.

"Now then, gentlemen, don't delay harmony," Farmer Peregrine keeps repeating in his old-fashioned, convivial way, and thus the ball is kept a-rolling half the night. The village choirs do very well as long as their organist or vicar is not too ambitious in his choice of music.

But I wasn't content to read and write, so I took to the book trade, and 'ere I am to-day travelling the roads and wi' a fairish connection, but I ain't content Lord, no! I'd like to be a dook a-rolling in a chariot, or a prince o' the blood, or the Prime Minister a-laying down the law.

"Just think," cried Glory when the future management of these matters was talked of, "what it will be to see the little things let out a-rolling in the new hay!" Her thoughts passed so entirely over herself, as holder and arbiter of means, to the good the daily little joy that was to come, thereby, to others!

On platform- wagons were men working at every trade which expected to be benefited by Whig success; log cabins of all sorts and sizes, hard-cider barrels, coon pens, great canvas balls, which were kept ``a-rolling on, canoes, such as General Harrison had used in crossing Western rivers, eagles that screamed in defiance, and cocks that crowed for victory.

"Thanks to those fellows, we keep the ball a-rolling," said Socquard. "But folks are trying to imitate my boiled wine." "Sue them," said Rigou, sententiously. "That would lead too far," replied the innkeeper. "Do your clients get on well together?" "Tolerably, yes; sometimes they'll have a row, but that's only natural for players."

Into the history of Mr Francis Beveridge, as supplied by the obliging candour of the Baron von Blitzenberg and the notes of Dr Escott, Dr Twiddel and his friend Robert Welsh make a kind of explanatory entry. They most effectually set the ball a-rolling, and so the story starts in a small room looking out on a very uninteresting London street.