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Wo betide the labourer that leaves off dealing there! not one that works at Hurstley, but eats my bread and bacon; besides the 'tea, coffee, tobacco, and snuff." "Pretty fairish articles, eh? I never dealt with you, Si: no, Nep, no you never saw the colour o' my money." Jennings gave a start, as if a thought had pricked him; but gayly recovering himself, said,

"I've heard all that before. You're onto the ropes thoroughly; but don't practice your infernal arts on me! I hope the salary is satisfactory?" "Fairish; but not high, considering what they get for it."

The captain of the vessel, "Old Man" Hardy, was with them. The seaman was beaming with that satisfaction which belongs to the master when his vessel is safely in port. "Oh, I guess it ain't been too bad a trip," he was saying. "Takin' the 'ins' with the 'outs, I'd say it was a fairish passage, which is mostly as it should be, seein' it's my last voyage in the old barge.

With Miss Blood's voice to start with, nothing ought to discourage us." Dunham had a thin and gentle pipe of his own, and a fairish style in singing, but with his natural modesty he would not offer himself as a performer except in default of all others. "Don't you sing, Mr. Hicks?" "Anything to oblige a friend," returned Hicks. "But I don't sing before Miss Blood."

One day he fell off the 'oss with 'er and broke 'is arm. Fort'nitly, the younker wasn't 'urt. So, then he had sense enough to listen to 'is wife. He quit riding 'isself, but he put big Tom Sacks into the act in 'is place. Tom is the present Mons. Dupont a fine feller and as steady as can be. He's powerful strong and a fairish sort of rider but nothink like wot Brad used to be in his best day.

We never had such a voyage before, I think, sir." "No," said the captain. "A good start, a fairish wind and plenty of it, a decent crew as far as I can judge as yet, and every prospect of a good voyage. What more can a man wish for?" "Nothing, sir."

'Then how long, I asked astonished, 'how long have you been staying with the princess? She answered, colouring, 'So long, that I can speak fairish German. 'And read it easily? 'I have actually taken to reading, Harry.

His features were regular, his fairish hair slightly wavy, and in his expression there was a curious and incongruous suggestion of settledness, of acceptance, of satisfaction with life as he met it, which an observer of men would have found difficult to reconcile with his youth and the obvious intelligence of the face.

In winter the times is bad, but in summer we gets on fairish, and there ain't nothing to grumble about. Are you out of work yourself?" "Yes," Frank answered, "I'm on the lookout for a job." "You'd have a chance here in the morning," said the boy, looking at him. "You look decent, and might get a job unloading. They won't have us at no price, if they can help it."

We can secure other people's approval, if we do right and try hard; but our own is worth a hundred of it, and no way has been found out of securing that. Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar. My health had broken down in New York in May; it had remained in a doubtful but fairish condition during a succeeding period of 82 days; it broke again on the Pacific.