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Updated: August 11, 2024

The balance in the Treasury on the first of January last was $5,201,650.43; the receipts from that time to the 30th of September last were $19,585,932.50; the receipts of the current quarter, estimated at $6,000,000, yield, with the sums already received, a revenue of about $25,500,000 for the year; the expenditures for the first 3 quarters of the year have amounted to $18,714,226.66; the expenditures of the current quarter are expected, including the $2,000,000 of the principal of the debt to be paid, to balance the receipts; so that the expense of the year, amounting to upward of $1,000,000 less than its income, will leave a proportionally increased balance in the Treasury on January 1st, 1827, over that of the first of January last; instead of $5,200,000 there will be $6,400,000.

I have always been accustomed to let this day pass unnoticed, but it came this time into my mind that some little festivity was not improper. I had a dinner, and invited Allen and Levett. Pr. and Med. p. 199. Pr. and Med. p. 201.

See postscript to The True Faith of the Gospel of Peace, British Museum. Vol. ii., p. 201. Vol. i., p. 46. Macaulay's History of England, vol. i. Life of Badman. Penn's England's Interest, 4to, 1676, p. 2. Vol. ii., p. 593. Vol. i., p. 51. Vol. i., p. 51. This very interesting Memoir was published by the Society of Friends, 1825. Case and Opinion, under the head 'Conventicles, British Museum.

In the corresponding three winter months of 1882 there were 602 fire alarms, or an average per month of 201; in the remaining nine months 1,401, or an average per month of 155. In round numbers there were in 1881 one-fourth, and in 1882 one-third more fire alarms in the three winter months than in the nine warmer months.

In response, the government kills, in the six years, a total of 3,201,232 wild beasts and snakes. Ten for one. It will be perceived that the snakes are not much interested in cattle; they kill only 3,000 odd per year. The snakes are much more interested in man. India swarms with deadly snakes.

A proper regard for the safety, comfort, and convenience of the officers and employees would justify the expenditure of a liberal sum of money in the erection of, a new building of commodious proportions and handsome appearance upon the very advantageous site already secured for that purpose, including the ground occupied by the present structure and adjoining vacant lot, comprising in all a frontage of 201 feet on Pennsylvania avenue and a depth of 136 feet.

In B.C. 509 Carthage made her first treaty with Rome. But the rivalry which grew up between the two Powers developed into a stubborn contest for the empire of the world, culminating in the three Punic wars. The first of these lasted from B.C. 264 to 241; the second, from B.C. 218 to 201.

Arch. vi. 748-754. See the unfavorable comment of Rives, Life and Times of Madison, i. 147, 148. Probably Thomas Ludwell Lee. S. Lit. Messenger for 1842. Reprinted in Campbell, Hist. Va. 647. Works of John Adams, iv. 201, 202. Works of John Adams, ix. 386-388. Kate Mason Rowland, Life of Mason, i. 228-241. Edmund Randolph, MS. Hist. Va. See, also, W. W. Henry, Life of P. Henry, i. 422-436.

Great Britain and Italy are the only two countries which have largely demobilized; Great Britain in the much greater measure. It is calculated that Great Britain has under arms 201,000 men, of which 15,030 are officers. In this number, however, are not included 75,896 men in India and the personnel of the Air Force.

See, for instance, in Art in Ancient Egypt, vol. i. figs. 123, 124, 201, and in vol. ii. pp. 55-64, and figs. 35-37 and 139. Art in Ancient Egypt, vol. i. p. 117. We here give a résumé of M. PLACE'S observations on this point. He made a careful study of these crenellations. Ninive, vol. ii. pp. 53-57. See M. PLACE'S diagrams, Ninive, vol. ii. p. 54. PLACE, Ninive, vol. ii. p. 53.

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