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The cases with the objects despatched by the Babylonian mission, that is by MM. Fresnel, Oppert, and Thomas, were included in the same disaster. But for this the Assyrian collections of the Louvre would be less inferior than they are to those of the British Museum. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. p. 253. PLACE, Ninive, vol. ii. p. 253.

PLACE, Ninive et l'Assyrie, vol i. p. 64. XENOPHON, Anabasis, iii. 4, 7-11. The identity of Larissa and Mespila has been much discussed. Oppert thinks they were Resen and Dour-Saryoukin; others that they were Calech and Nineveh. The question is without importance to our inquiry. See the History of Art in Ancient Egypt, vol. i. p. 113.

Among these we may mention the Philips cylinder, from which, in speaking of the great works carried out by Nebuchadnezzar, LENORMANT gives long extracts in his Manuel d'Histoire ancienne, vol. ii. pp. 233 and 235. LAYARD, Nineveh, vol. i. p. 115, and vol. ii. p. 91. OPPERT, Expédition en Mésopotamie, vol. ii. pp. 343-351. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. p. 188.

I should think it is probably an exaggeration. See PLACE, Ninive, vol. iii, plate 37. DIODORUS, ii, 9, 5. These courts must have been at certain times of the day the meeting place of large numbers of the population, like the courtyards of a modern mosque.

For detailed information on the history and processes used in the manufacture of these tiles, see Sir George BIRDWOOD'S Industrial Arts of India, part ii. pp. 304-310, 321, and 330; also Mr. DRURY FORTNUM'S report on the Sindh pottery in the International Exhibition of 1871. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. p. 234; vol. iii. plates 9 and 17. Ibid. vol. iii. plate 14.

We have to express our acknowledgments to Dr. Birch for permission to make use of this valuable collection. PERROT, GUILLAUME ET DELBET, Exploration archéologique de la Galatie, vol. ii. pl. 32. Exploration archéologique, vol. ii. pl. 11. LAYARD, Discoveries, p. 508. PLACE, Ninive, vol. ii. pp. 68-70.

In their persons alone would the scientific knowledge required for such work be combined with the power to accomplish those sacred rites which gave to the commencement of a new building the character of a contract between man and his deity. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. pp. 17, 18. LAYARD, Discoveries, plan 2, p. 123. OPPERT, Expédition scientifique de Mésopotamie, vol. i. p. 273.

Sir Henry Layard describes these sphinxes as buried in charcoal, and so calcined by the fire that they fell into minute fragments soon after exposure to the air. Anything carried on their backs must have fallen at the time of the conflagration, and, if a stone column, it would have been found under the charcoal. PLACE, Ninive, vol. iii. plate 11. STRABO, xvi. 1, 5.

LAYARD says, however, that the dimensions here given were taken from RICH, as he had no time to take measurements during his hurried visit. Discoveries, p. 495. We take these details from Professor RAWLINSON's essay on the topography of Babylon. XENOPHON, Anabasis, iii, 4, 9. LAYARD, Discoveries, pp. 126-128, and map 2. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. pp. 147-148, and plates 36-37. See above, pp. 272-274.

The most plentiful springs occur at Hit, on the middle Euphrates. They are also found, however, farther north, as at Kaleh-Shergat, near the Tigris. As for the bituminous springs of Hammam-Ali, near Mossoul, see PLACE, Ninive et l'Assyrie, vol. i. p. 236. Genesis xi. 3. HERODOTUS, i. 179. Warka, its Ruins and Remains, by W. KENNETH LOFTUS, p. 9. LOFTUS, Travels and Researches, i. p. 169.

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