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Updated: August 11, 2024

For two years, therefore, she received the salary of 12L. a year the acknowledgment of the Yarmouth corporation for her services as gaol chaplain and schoolmistress! She was now, however, becoming old and infirm, and the unhealthy atmosphere of the gaol did much towards finally disabling her.

This being done, I home to my aunt, who supped with us, and my uncle also: and a good-humoured woman she is, so that I think we shall keep her acquaintance; but mighty proud she is of her wedding-ring, being lately set with diamonds; cost her about 12l.: and I did commend it mightily to her, but do not think it very suitable for one of our quality. 5th.

I give and bequeath to Joan Willyams, their daughter, to her marriage, 20l., and to every other of their children 12l. 13s. 4d. Item. I bequeath to Walter Willyams, my nephew, 20l. Item. I give and bequeath to Ralph Sadler, my servant, 200 marks of lawful English money, my second gown, jacket, and doublet, and all my books. Item. I give and bequeath to Hugh Whalley, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. Item.

Logan said that Bower confessed to having shown Sprot a letter of Gowrie’s. What, he asked, did Sprot think of the matter? Sprot, with protestations of loyalty, said that he thought that Logan had been in the Gowrie conspiracy. Logan then asked for an oath of secrecy, promising ‘to be the best sight you ever saw,’ and taking out 12l.

This would place the unmarried soldier, in a pecuniary point of view, worse off by one dollar a month, or 2l. l0s. a year, than he would have been at home; and would give the married man 5 dollars a month, or 12l. a year, more than his ordinary wages, for absenting himself from his family. I cannot think, therefore, that the pecuniary attractions have been very great.

By and by he parted, and I talked with the two women that farm the well at 12l. per annum of the lord of the manor. Mr. I walked upon the Downes, where a flock of sheep was; and the most pleasant and innocent sight that ever I saw in my life.

Wood and lime were placed at their disposal free of charge, and a sum of 10l. or 12l. was added to help in defraying the expenses of the mason-work. A few cottages of a superior kind were built at the entire expense of the proprietor; but the cost was out of all proportion with the rental of the estate, and this attempt had to be abandoned for a time. Mr.

The people were so miserably poor, that out of thirteen missions, only one could afford their priest 50l. per annum; one, 35l.; three, 30l.; and the rest, ranging from 25l. down to as low as 12l. per annum. Of course the priests could not subsist on these incomes without some other aid, and this was obtained by taking small farms, from which they endeavoured to eke out a living.

A smart, active man for a L. M. T. Dig. Night work only. Headquarters London and Cairo. A linguist preferred. FOR SALE A BARGAIN Single Plane, narrow-gauge vans, Pinke motor. Restayed this autumn. Hansen air-kit, 58 in. chest, 153 collar. Can be seen by appointment. N. 2650 This office. Thin Oxford, limp back. 12L 6d. BELT'S COASTAL ITINERARY. Short Lights of the World. 7s. 6d. Ready, Jan. 16.

But it hath chiefly arisen from my layings-out in clothes for myself and wife; viz. for her about 12l. and for myself 55l., or thereabouts: having made myself a velvet cloak, two new cloth skirts, black, plain both; a new shag gown, trimmed with gold buttons and twist, with a new hat, and silk tops for my legs, and many other things, being resolved, henceforward to go like myself.

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