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"Zutzig!" said Vizard; "how can you know?" "What does that matter? Well, yes I will reveal the mental process. First of all, she has gone to her mother." "How do you know that?" "Oh, dear, dear, dear! Because that is where every daughter goes in trouble. I should she has. Fancy you not seeing that why, Fanny Dover would have told you that much in a moment.

She has run into a cul-de-sac through being too clever; and, besides, women sometimes run away just to be caught, and hide on purpose to be found. I should not wonder if she has said to herself, 'He will find me if he loves me so very, very much I'll try him." "Not a word more, angelic fox," said Vizard; "I'm off to Zutzig." He went out on fire.

Now, Ina, love, a widow who has been two years separated from her husband!" "Certainly, that makes a difference in one's own mind. But one must respect the opinion of the world. Dear friend, it is of you I think, though I speak of myself." "You are an angel. Take your own time. After all, what does it matter? I don't leave Zutzig without you."

Moreover, a rosy-cheeked curate had taken the place of the venerable vicar, and Miss Dover's threat to flirt out the stigma of a nun was executed with promptitude, zeal, pertinacity, and the dexterity that comes of practice. When the day came for his leaving Zutzig, Vizard was dejected. "Who knows when we may meet again?" said he. Ina consoled him. "Do not be sad, dear friend.

She opened the window and screeched after him, "Everything is fair after her behavior to me. Take her a book of those spiritual songs she is so fond of. 'Johnny comes marching home, is worth the lot, I reckon." Away went Vizard; found Copenhagen with ease; Zutzig with difficulty, being a small village. But once there, he soon found the farmhouse of Eva Klosking. He drove up to the door.

"I will read it," said Rhoda Gale, interfering. "I know German. It is an authorized duplicate certifying the marriage of Edward Severne, of Willingham, in Huntingdonshire, England, to Ina Ferris, daughter of Walter Ferris and Eva Klosking, of Zutzig, in Denmark.

"I forget, I'm sure." "Walter Ferris and Eva Klosking, of Zutzig, in Denmark. Pack start for Copenhagen. Consult an ordnance map there. Find out Zutzig. Go to Zutzig, and you have got her. It is some hole in a wilderness, and she can't escape." "You clever little angel! I'll be there in three days. Do you really think I shall succeed?" "Your own fault if you don't.

I'm a tall, beneficent angel; and I'll tell you where she is for nothing. Keep your land: who wants it? it is only a bother." "For pity's sake, don't trifle with me." "I never will, where your heart is interested. She is at Zutzig." "Ah, you good girl! She has written to you." "Not a line, the monster! And I'll serve her out. I'll teach her to play hide-and-seek with Gale, M.D.!"