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Fitch, Walker & Wyllys "the sole privilege of making steel for the term of fifteen years, upon this condition that they should, in the space of two years, make half a ton of steel." This new industry was, at all times, controlled and regulated by law. The very first hollow-ware casting made in America is said to be still in existence. It was a little kettle holding less than a quart.

Hazlehurst and de Vaux passed the night beside the body of their friend; Miss Agnes and Mrs. Van Horne were with the bereaved mother and sisters. Early on the following morning, Mr. Wyllys and Elinor came to take a last look at their young friend. 'Can it indeed be true?

Wyllys, Hazlehurst, placing one arm on the table before him, leaned a little, forward, and fixed his eye steadily, but searchingly, on the face of the speaker.

Wyllys entered to let Harry know that Hubert de Vaux had come for him. "De Vaux is here waiting for you, Harry," said Mr. Wyllys, opening the drawing-room door. "Is it possible, my dear sir? Is it so late?" exclaimed Harry.

"For these eighteen years, nearly, William Stanley has been lying at the bottom of the ocean. We have believed so, at least." "Proofs have been manufactured by lawyers before now," said Mr. Wyllys. "Do you suppose that if William Stanley had been living, we never should have heard one trace of him during eighteen years? at a time, too, when his father's death had left him a large property."

"I am certainly not so fastidious in my notions of birth and station as aunt de Lacey," she said, laughing; "but I should forget some of your own instructions, dear Mrs Wyllys, did I not feel that education and manners make a sensible difference in the opinions and characters of all us poor mortals." "Very true, my child.

Something of this feeling had been mixed up with the motives which had lately led him to take a decided step for the future. >From a boy, Harry had been more or less the companion and play-fellow of Elinor Wyllys and Jane Graham, whom he looked upon as cousins, owing to a near family connexion. He had always felt very differently, however, towards the two girls.

Robert Hazlehurst, who has never recovered from the fall he had last winter; and the physicians have ordered him to travel." At that moment the ladies were joined by Miss Agnes. "I hear, Miss Wyllys," said Mrs. Bernard, "that Mr. Hazlehurst is going to Europe. He will be very much missed, at Longbridge."

Major Wyllys was killed; so was Lieutenant Ebenezer Frothingham; fifty of the rank and file fell. Only eight men escaped. Of the militia, a major, two captains, and over ninety others died. After he had been joined by the survivors, General Harmar resumed his march to Fort Washington.

"You are an expert hair-dresser; the flowers are much prettier as you have arranged them," said the lady to her young friend. "Is it not a great improvement? They looked heavy as Jane had arranged them before I have taken out more than half," replied Elinor. Mrs. George Wyllys looked up from the newspaper she was reading, and suggested a change.