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Our woods are sylvan, and their inhabitants woodsmen and rustics; that is, a selvaggia and its inhabitants salvages." What Thoreau loved, like all men of healthy minds, was the occasional experience of untamed wildness. Footpaths bring us nearer both to nature and to man. No high-road, not even a lane, conducts to the deeper recesses of the wood, where you hear the wood-thrush.

There was no change in leaf, shrub or tree, and not a stone in the brook had been disturbed. The sun dropped the same arrows down through the leaves blunting their shining points into tremulous circles on the ground, the water sang the same happy tune under her dangling feet and a wood-thrush piped the old lay overhead. Wood-thrush!

Diana breathed it in, filling her lungs with it. "How good this is!" she said. "Basil, I should think it was dreadful to live in such a place as that." "Makes less difference than you would think, when you once get accustomed to it." "O, do you think so! It seems to me there is nothing pleasant there to see or to hear." "Ay, you are a true wood-thrush," said her husband.

Soon he will leave her and join the flocks of his kindred in the oat-fields and the swamps. Young chewinks are being fed down among the ripening May-apples in the pasture. A catbird with soft "quoots" assembles her family in the hazel and the wood-thrush sounds warning "quirts" as fancied peril approaches her children beneath the ripening blackberries.

Grace Greenwood spent two or three days, and was very pleasant. Mr. Fields writes from Paris that Mr. Your affectionate sister, Ticknor told Nathaniel that he had already sold a thousand copies, and had not enough bound to supply the demand. I give a letter which must have come like the song of a wood-thrush to the author, its diction being as pure as his own, and yet as strong.

A pale green light stole through the trees, shy, ethereal and so like a mist that it seemed at any moment on the point of floating upward. Colour came with the wild flowers and song with the wood-thrush.

Not a cat or dog in the village but would leave his own master or mistress at a single call from Melody. She could imitate every bird-call with her wonderful voice; and one day she had come home and told Miss Rejoice quietly that she had been making a concert with a wood-thrush, and that the red squirrels had sat on the branches to listen.

But how many persons would have observed that the bird walked instead of hopped? Some friends of mine who lived in the country tried to describe to me a bird that built a nest in a tree within a few feet of the house. As it was a brown bird, I should have taken it for a wood-thrush, had not the nest been described as so thin and loose that from beneath the eggs could be distinctly seen.

We had watched the wren for nine days when there came an interruption. It happened thus: A little farther up the glen we had another study, a wood-thrush nest in a low tree, and every day, either coming or going, we were accustomed to spend an hour watching that.

I can't 'rastle with you no more. But, say, I'll run ye a race. I can beat ye an' carry the satchel, too." We ran pell-mell up the lane to the steps like a pair of children. Aunt Deel did not speak. She just put her arms around me and laid her dear old head upon my breast. Uncle Peabody turned away. Then what a silence! Off in the edge of the woodland I heard the fairy flute of a wood-thrush.