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At times, I glanced behind me, into the growing dusk of the great, silent room, with its aeon-carpet of sleeping dust.... So, I watched through the fleeting ages, lost in soul-wearing thoughts and wonderings, and possessed with a new weariness. It might have been a million years later, that I perceived, beyond possibility of doubt, that the fiery sheet that lit the world, was indeed darkening.

Then I ceased from these wonderings and gave my thought to what I should say to Blanche. I waited a long while and still she did not come, till at last I believed that she was away from the house, or guessing my business, had refused to see me. At length, however, she entered the room, so silently that I who was staring at the great abbey through a window-place never heard the door open or close.

Weeks went on, and nothing more was heard of 'Marilda' except the wishes and wonderings of the children.

The good old lady was not backward in demonstrating her wonderings.

Miss Ogilvy, whoever she might have been, at any rate, was dead, but Juliette clearly was much alive, with her prettiness and good voice. No wonder, then, that she had not heard from Godfrey. He was too occupied with the late Miss Ogilvy and the very present Mademoiselle Juliette, in whose father's house he was living as one of the family. Isobel's face, however, showed none of her wonderings.

"I wonder now what it is that is hewing away up yonder?" said Youngling. "You are always so clever with your wonderings," said Peter and Paul, both at once. "What wonder is it, pray, that a wood-cutter should stand and hack up on a hillside?" "Still, I'd like to see what it is, after all," said Youngling, and up he went.

These two, the child, and a few pariah dogs were all that remained. You could have put the tiny one in a haversack comfortably. A poor little mongrel head that shone bare and scabby in places, but big black eyes, full of puzzles and wonderings; and upon his arms and legs, those deep humors which come from scratching in the night.

In the same way, the budding life, cut from the parent stem Who had cut it, though: God, or Katharine, or merely inexorable law? Brenton smothered a groan. Then, because law was inexorable, he cast aside his wonderings, looked at his cuff, at his watch, and shut his fingers upon the bottle and the spoon.

He was wondering about many things these days, and perhaps he had already scaled a crag or two, for he was able sometimes, in spite of the deep sadness of his face, to smile a little in his wonderings. Ernestine was her sweetest self when she came in a little later.

She tried not to feel embarrassed in the latter's presence, and wondered how much he knew of her plans; but Bertha was so bright and full of talk that there was little space for confusion or wonderings. "How well you're looking, Bertha!" she said, as now in the boat Jasper pulled out from the sleepy little wharf. "You are as brown and rosy as any fisher-girl of us all."