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The extraordinary storm during which King Lear roams about the heath, or the grass which for some reason he puts on his head like Ophelia in "Hamlet" or Edgar's attire, or the fool's speeches, or the appearance of the helmeted horseman, Edgar all these effects not only fail to enhance the impression, but produce an opposite effect. "Man sieht die Absicht und man wird verstimmt," as Goethe says.

And in a fir-tree not far off a nightingale was singing, now a string of pearls dropping bead by bead from his throat, now rich turns and grace-notes, and now again a reiterated metallic chink which melted into liquid fluting: Vogek im Tannenwald Pfeifet so hell: Pfeifet de Wald aus und ein, wo wird mein Schatze sein? Vogele im Tannenwald pfeifet so hell.

"And you know the next two lines of the poem?" she interrupted him. "The maiden replied to him:" "'Heirathen wir eben, Das Ubrige wird sich geben." "You mock me," exclaimed Gentz, smiling, "and yet you know the maiden's assurance would not prove true in our case, and that there is something rendering such a happiness, the prospect of calling you my wife, an utter impossibility.

Pinchas spoke German which is an outlandish form of Yiddish and scarce understanded of the people, so that to be intelligible he had to divest himself of sundry inflections, and to throw gender to the winds and to say "wet" for "wird" and mix hybrid Hebrew and ill-pronounced English with his vocabulary.

When M. met Guizot in London after 1848, he was struck by the motto G. had adopted via recta brevissima. Lord Clanwilliam said that the shortest way was also the best. 'Yes, added Metternich, 'and it has also the advantage that on that path you don't meet anybody' 'auf diesen Weg wird niemand begegnet.

"I can gi'e ye fowerpence o' coppers, if that's ony use to ye," said Stumpie Mertin, shuvin' his airm up to the elba in his breeks pooch. There was a burst o' lauchin' at this, an' Sandy says, pointin' wi' his thoom ower his shuder, "Less noise, you lads, for fear her nabs hears us." He little thocht that her nabs that was me, of coorse was at the winda hearin' every wird.

Culture taken by itself is livery business, and when combined with much beer and wine drinking, irregular eating and a disinclination for regular exercise, culture becomes a positive menace to health. Of this danger to the German, their own great man Bismarck spoke in the Abgeordnetenhaus in 1881: "Bei uns Deutschen wird mit wenigem so viel Zeit totgeschlagen wie mit Biertrinken.

Aus dem österreich-ungarischen Material. Wien, 27. Juli. Das in der österreichisch-ungarischen Zirkularnote an die auswärtigen Botschaften in Angelegenheit des serbischen Konflikts erwähnte Dossier wird heute veröffentlicht.

The vizier of sultan Dara, in the course of the journey, became so pleased with the agreeable manners of the supposed merchant, that he often conversed with him familiarly; and at length the young man, emboldened by his condescending attention, ventured to inquire the cause of his travels to regions so distant from his own country: upon which he was informed of the arrival of the beautiful Wird al Ikmaum at the court of sultan Dara; of the compassion of that sultan for her misfortunes; his generous protection; and his own fruitless mission in search of her lover Ins al Wujjood.

"Ay, man, so it is," says Sandy, takin' a slaik o't aff wi' his fingers, an' syne dichtin't on the tail o' his sirtoo, the nesty character, 'at I shud say sic a wird!