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And wish that we were merely the Princess of Reuss Schleiz Greiz and Lobenstein! The PRINCESS' room. Attractive, cozy apartment. An open window to the right. Doors centre, right and left. A cupboard, a table. PRINCESS WILHELMINE leans against the window-casing, deep in thought. SONNSFELD sits on the left side of the room, knitting a child's stocking. Hour after hour passes!

She saw again Craig's face as he was kissing her. "Very," replied she. "You'll see. It's a mere physical attraction." She smiled tantalizingly, her long body displayed against the window-casing, her long, round arms bare below the elbows, her hazel eyes and sensuous lips alluring. "You, yourself, never thought of proposing to me until I had made myself physically attractive to you," said she.

He was leaning against a window-casing; not looking out, for he saw nothing, but with his face turned to the fleet of barges lying in the river; when some one spoke to him. "I guess you're thinking about that Christmas dinner, ain't you, Mr. Bannon?" "What's that?" he demanded, wheeling about. Then rallying his scattered faculties, he recognized one of the carpenters.

That infernal thumping in his ears had drowned the noises from the street below. He felt that for all time the torture of this moment would live with him. Then he smiled! He smiled blindly out into the glaring sunlight, and bowed. And bowed and smiled again, clinging to the window-casing to support himself. By now she must have reached the corner.

The one writing on the dance programme he knew was young Hibbard Gaylord. Mr. Smith did not approach at once. Leaning against a window-casing near by, he watched the kaleidoscopic throng, bestowing a not too conspicuous attention upon the group about Miss Mellicent Blaisdell. Mellicent was the picture of radiant loveliness.

This was evidently the "parlor"; hot sunlight streamed through the bay windows; there was an upright piano against the closed folding doors, and a graphophone on a dusty cherry table; wind whined at the window-casing; one or two big flies buzzed against the glass. After a while Mrs.

She leaned her shapely head, with its braided coronet of dark red hair, against the window-casing, and her gray eyes were like the moonlight gleam of shadowy pools. Then she saw Ludovic Speed coming down the lane. He was yet far from the house, for the Dix lane was a long one, but Ludovic could be recognized as far as he could be seen.

He leaned against the window-casing, with the Northern snow whirling about his head; but he breathed the balmy breath of a Southern forest, the wood-thrush sang in the trees overhead, and he could so it seemed to him actually feel the water-worn pebbles under his palms as he watched the life-blood ebbing from his side.

Within these houses there is, perhaps, the silence of the cloister, the barrenness of moors, the skeleton of ruins; life and movement are so stagnant there that a stranger might think them uninhabited, were it not that he encounters suddenly the pale, cold glance of a motionless person, whose half-monastic face peers beyond the window-casing at the sound of an unaccustomed step.

Alton made a little grave gesture of deprecation. "I wanted to see you very much but please sit down." Nellie Townshead took the chair he drew out, and was glad that it was in the shadow, for Alton stood leaning against the window-casing looking down on her with grave respect and pity in his face. "I am a little lame as you may have heard," he said, as though to explain his attitude.