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She was expecting this descent and so was prepared, being suitably dressed in the light green house gown. When she heard Miss Whitmore's familiar mode of address she winced, for this spoke volumes for a boon companionship of long endurance. Eugene hadn't said so much of Miss Whitmore in the past as he had recently, but she could see that they were very intimate.

Whitmore glad to see you back!" was fired at him with respectful familiarity from a score of clerks. He smiled amiably, replying occasionally with a cheery rejoinder. Evidently he was in excellent spirits. Whitmore's private office, at the rear of the long hall, ran the full width of the room.

It foreshadowed fight and the ensuing conflict promised certain revelations which were necessary for a clearer understanding of the circumstances surrounding Whitmore's death. "Every human being, given sufficient cause, is capable of murder," the detective baited her. "We are all potential murderers." She recoiled as from a blow.

I felt his eyes peering at me through the dusk. "He seems very young to be a trustworthy witness," croaked this old gentleman in a voice which seemed to be affected by the night air. "He's right enough," Mr. Rogers answered cheerfully. "He shall tell his tale, then, in Mr. Whitmore's presence.

If they didn't know the contents of Whitmore's will, then they had every reason in the world for preventing the merchant's death. Ward was praying for his return, so he might plead with him to help him out of his financial scrape. Mrs. Collins's love for Whitmore was intensely genuine, and moreover, it was pure." Britz paused, noting the bewildered expression on the faces of Manning and Greig.

But on whom would Britz fasten the crime? "Now let us take up Beard," proceeded the detective as if narrating a commonplace happening in the routine of police duty. "He is named in Whitmore's will as one of the executors of the estate. But so is Luckstone! Surely that is no motive for murder. My men have investigated Beard's life. There's nothing in it to discredit him in the least.

"She may not be aware of it now, but it was the kindliest thing I could have done. Why, to-morrow morning the papers will be full of the latest phase of the case. Everybody will know that she is Whitmore's residuary legatee. This woman, entirely unrelated to him, whose husband had threatened to kill Whitmore, inherits the merchant's fortune.

I was sitting here under these very trees they was just budding out in leaf then, as young and cheerful as if they wasn't a hundred years old. And I sighed right out loud and said, "Oh, Grandpa Holland, it's time I was put away up on the hill there with you." And with that the gate banged and there was Nancy Jane Whitmore's boy, Sam, with two letters for me. One was from Anne up at St.

He paused as if in deep reflection. "We've got to decide whether those clerks are telling the truth. If we accept their statement that they saw no one enter Whitmore's office and heard no shot " "I have already accepted their statement as the truth," interrupted Britz. "The possibility of suicide is eliminated, of course," pursued Greig. "The pistol we found is brand new and has never been fired.

Luckstone didn't have to tell me that." "Well, what's the use of trying to give you a chance?" Britz fired at him. "I've got enough evidence now to convict you. I guess I'll just proceed to lock you up and let Luckstone try to get you out." Ever since Whitmore's death Collins had been steeling himself for precisely this situation.