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What stabbed his conscience most was the thought that his wife and children would lose their allowances because of his treachery. He stared at us with wild, red eyes. "Ach, mein armes Weib! Meine Kinder!... Ach, Gott in Himmel!" He had no pride, no dignity, no courage. This tall, bearded man, father of a family, put his hands against the wall and laid his head on his arm and wept.

In the sitting room are rough chairs, and a big table so stained with wine and beer that I could almost see the fat figures of the prince and his friends grouped round it, with cheers for "Wein, Weib, und Gesang." Close down below us, in sloping green meadows, a lot of war-worn horses en permission were grazing peacefully.

"Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib, und Gesang Der bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang," and when he advised a young scholar perplexed with fore-ordination and free-will, to get well drunk. "The nerves," says Cabanis, "they are the man." My neighbor, a jolly farmer, in the tavern bar-room, thinks that the use of money is sure and speedy spending.

What he saw was a composite woman with flushed cheeks and soliciting eyes, becomingly gowned and hatted to the masculine judgment. On the walls, heavily frescoed in the German style, he read, in Gothic letters: "Wer liebt nicht Wein, Weib, and Gesang, Er bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang." The waiter brought the sandwiches and beer, yet he did not eat.

At night she studied some canonical work, by day she occupied herself with ceremonies and music. Max Bartels, "Isländischer Brauch," etc., Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1900, p. 65. A summary of the customs of various peoples in regard to pregnancy is given by Ploss and Bartels, Das Weib, Sect.

Though you're given to describe Woman as a dummes Weib. You yourself are sillier far, Prattling, bimetallic star!" "No doubt she had understood very little," said the Man of Wrath, taking no notice of this effusion. "And no doubt the gentleman hadn't understood much either." Irais was plainly irritated. "Your opinion of woman," said Minora in a very small voice, "is not a high one.

What he saw was a composite woman with flushed cheeks and soliciting eyes, becomingly gowned and hatted to the masculine judgment. On the walls, heavily frescoed in the German style, he read, in Gothic letters: "Wer liebt nicht Wein, Weib, and Gesang, Er bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang." The waiter brought the sandwiches and beer, yet he did not eat.

Four years before, meeting a German comrade in the stalls of a Moscow theater, Berg had pointed out Vera Rostova to him and had said in German, "das soll mein Weib werden," * and from that moment had made up his mind to marry her. Now in Petersburg, having considered the Rostovs' position and his own, he decided that the time had come to propose. * "That girl shall be my wife."

This reflex is always present in healthy adult subjects and indicates the integrity of the physical mechanism of detumescence. It has been described by Hughes. Roubaud, Traité de l'Impuissance, 1855, p. 39. Das Weib, seventh edition, vol. i, p. 510.

In this case, however, the result was better than I had expected: I read distinctly, " EIN, WEI "; and Luther's popular lines, "Wer liebt nicht wein, weib," etc., were brought to my mind at once.