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Busy as he was and there were few busier men in town, as every hitching-post along the main street of Warehold village from Billy Tatham's, the driver of the country stage, to Captain Holt's, could prove he always had time for a word with the old nurse.

Cavendish's ears were more easily approached by the gossips of Warehold and vicinity; then, again she was always curious over the inmates of the Cobden house, and any little scraps of news, reliable or not, about either Jane or her absent sister were eagerly listened to.

This drew him all the closer to Archie, and the lad soon became his constant companion; sitting beside him in his gig, waiting for him at the doors of the fishermen's huts, or in the cabins of the poor on the outskirts of Barnegat and Warehold. "There goes Doctor John of Barnegat and his curly-head," the neighbors would say; "when ye see one ye see t'other."

I love Warehold, of course; but you must admit that it is half-asleep all the time. The hotel will be some change; there will be new people and something to see from the piazzas. And I need it, dear. I get tired of one thing all the time I always have." "But you will be just as lonely there." Jane in her astonishment was like a blind man feeling about for a protecting wall.

She had taken the little beast to the inner beach for a bath a custom of hers when the weather was fine and the water not too cold and was returning to Warehold by way of the road, when, calling the dog to her side, she stopped to feast her eyes on the picture unrolled at her feet.

Tatham, who attends to the transportation of the cities of Warehold and Barnegat; and the Right Honorable Mr. Tipple, and Mrs. and Miss Gossaway, renowned for their toilets " Mrs. Cavendish bit her lip. When her son was in one of these moods it was all she could do to keep her temper. "And the wonderful Mrs. Malmsley, and " Mrs. Cavendish looked up.

The name had an aristocratic sound, but it was unknown to her. "Who is she?" "Why, don't you know the wonderful Mrs. Malmsley?" inquired the doctor, with a quizzical smile. "No, I never heard of her." "Well, she's just moved into Warehold. Poor woman, she hasn't been out of bed for years! She's the wife of the new butcher, and " "The butcher's wife?"

Moreover, their families had always been intimate in the old days, his ancestral home being always open to Jane's mother when a girl. The arrival of these two strangers only added to the general gayety. Picnics were planned to the woods back of Warehold to which the young people of the town were invited, and in which Billy Tatham with his team took a prominent part.

Git-up, Billy," and the talk drifted into other channels. The incident was soon forgotten. One young man more or less did not make much difference in Warehold. As to Captain Nat, he was known to be a scrupulously honest, exact man who knew no law outside of his duty.

"I've got to pull up, little woman, and get out for a few days," Max had begun. "Morton's all snarled up, he writes me, over a mortgage, and I must straighten it out. Don't mind, do you?" "Mind! Of course I do!" retorted Lucy. "When did you get this marvellous idea into that wonderful brain of yours, Max? I intended to go to Warehold myself to-morrow."