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They asked him the usual questions, and he replied, rocking all the time with a faint undulating motion of head and shoulders: Warbleton was one of the prettiest little towns that he had ever seen. He liked the people they seemed different. He was sure to like the place, already liked it. Lulu came to the door in Ninian's thin black-and-white gown.

The music man his name was Neil Cornish threw up his chin in a boyish fashion, and said he'd be jiggered if he knew. All up and down the Warbleton main street, the chances are that the answer would sound the same. "I'm studying law when I get the chance," said Cornish, as one who makes a bid to be thought of more highly. "I see," said Dwight, respectfully dwelling on the verb.

Sometimes a whole godly sentence was adopted as a name. Here are the names of a jury said to be enclosed in the county of Sussex about that time: Accepted, Trevor of Norsham. Redeemed, Compton of Battle. Faint not, Hewit of Heathfield. Make Peace, Heaton of Hare. God Reward, Smart of Fivehurst. Standfast on High, Stringer of Crowhurst. Earth, Adams of Warbleton. Called, Lower of the same.

Though the action of Miss Lulu Bett takes place in a different village, called Warbleton, it might as well have been in Friendship in Friendship seen during a mood when its creator had grown weary of the eternal saccharine.

Why had she not stayed in Warbleton and asked the sheriff or somebody no, not the sheriff. Cornish, perhaps. Oh, and Dwight and Ina were going to be angry now! And Di little Di. As Lulu thought of her she began to cry. She said to herself that she had taught Di to sew. In sight of Millton, Lulu was seized with trembling and physical nausea. She had never been alone in any unfamiliar town.

Later on Cornish confided more to Dwight: He was to come by a little inheritance some day not much, but something. Yes, it made a man feel a certain confidence.... "Don't it?" said Dwight heartily, as if he knew. Every one liked Cornish. He told funny stories, and he never compared Warbleton save to its advantage.

"Hadn't we all better get the four-thirty to Warbleton?" she said, and swallowed. "Oh, if Bobby wants to back out " said Di. "I don't want to back out," Bobby contended furiously, "b-b-but I won't " "Come on, Aunt Lulu," said Di grandly. Bobby led the way through the lobby, Di followed, and Lulu brought up the rear. She walked awkwardly, eyes down, her hands stiffly held.

I'd like to earn something." But this she had not meant to say. She stopped, rather frightened. "You would! Why, you have it fine here, I thought." "Oh, fine, yes. Dwight gives me what I have. And I do their work." "I see," said Cornish. "I never thought of that," he added. She caught his speculative look he had heard a tale or two concerning her return, as who in Warbleton had not heard?

"Seventeen" would rather not have stopped at Warbleton, but Lenny's signal was law on the time card, and the magnificent yellow express slowed down for Lulu. Hatless and in her blue cotton gown, she climbed aboard. Then her old inefficiency seized upon her. What was she going to do? Millton! She had been there but once, years ago how could she ever find anybody?

Yet in the midst of applications so universal the American village is not forgotten, little as it is alluded to. If the Friendships are sweet and dainty, so are they whether called Warbleton or something less satiric dull and petty, and they fashion their Deacons no less than their Pelleases and Ettares.