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"We has an awfu' lot to do this afternoon, Orion, 'cos Aunt Jane has got to be shotted, and I's thinking of having Miss Wamsay shotted too." "But do you mean," said Orion, "that you'll really shoot 'em both?" "Yes," replied Diana. "It has to be done; it's ter'ble, but it must be done. What would be the good if they wasn't shotted dead?

"Why isn't we going with the others?" asked Diana. "'Cos the train is faster, little miss," answered Aunt Sarah. "And now the cab is at the door, and, if you will jump in at once we will be at the station in no time." "I calls it lovely," said Diana, turning to secure Orion's approval. "I like it miles better nor lessons with Miss Wamsay nor being beated by Aunt Jane.

If Miss Wamsay hates Aunt Jane, why, course, she'll help me to sharpen my arrow, when I tell her it is to give Aunt Jane a little pwick." Accordingly Diana approached Miss Ramsay's side, and, as the governess did not look up, she flung herself on the grass near by, uttering a deep sigh as she did so.

He's k'ite a nice old man, and if Aunt Jane and Miss Wamsay is shotted why, we'll have a jolly time. Now, let's wun and fetch the big bow and arrows." Orion had always a great respect for his younger sister Diana. "Well," he said, "if you're a grand lady, don't forget that I'm a big giant, and that I've got a belt and a sword.

"What's defy?" asked Diana. "You are defying me now; you are a very naughty little girl, and I shall punish you." "I don't care," said Diana, tossing her head. "I was sent out by Miss Wamsay 'cos I found the schoolroom too hot and I was sleepy. I can't obey you and Miss Wamsay both at the same time, can I? I did not come to you 'cos I don't like you."

"What a silly little boy you is!" she said. "We has come for most solemn, 'portant business. I is Diana the gweat Diana what lived years and years ago and you is Orion. I is the gweatest huntwess in all the world, and I's going to shoot Aunt Jane and Miss Wamsay. Now, come 'long, Orion, and let's look for the bow and arrow."

He took the bow and arrow and made valiant efforts, but in the course of his endeavors to shoot properly, the badly made bow suddenly snapped in two, and Diana, in her discomfiture, and the dashing to the ground of her hopes, burst into tears. "You is bad boy," she cried. "See what you's done. Back we goes to slav'ry to Aunt Jane and Miss Wamsay. You is a bad, howid boy."

You don't mind if I does hurt you a bit, does you?" "But I don't want to be shotted down dead," replied Orion. "No, I won't go as far as that. It's only Aunt Jane and Miss Wamsay who is to be shotted dead; but you'll have to be shotted, 'cos I must pwactice how to do it."

"I thought, course, you hated her, 'cos I saw her look at you so smart like, and order you to be k'ick this morning, and I thought, 'Miss Wamsay don't like that, and course Miss Wamsay hates her, and if Miss Wamsay hates her, well, she'll help me, 'cos I hates her awful." "But do you know that all this is very wrong?" said Miss Ramsay.

Miss Wamsay must be shotted as well as the others. It's awful what I has got to do." Apollo sank dejectedly down before the account of the Spanish Armada, and Iris, with tears slowly rising to her eyes, turned over her lesson books. At last the impulse to do something was more than she could stand, and, rising from her seat, she edged her way to the door.