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She turned from him and walked to the center table. She watched the game for a while, noting that young Segrave was still the winner, and that Lord Walterton was very flushed and excited. Then she caught Endicott's eye, and immediately lowered her lashes twice in succession.

But Lord Walterton placed a detaining, though very trembling hand, on the cinnamon-colored sleeve. "Nay! parbleu! ye cannot go like this ... good Master Endicott ..." he said, speaking very thickly, "I want another round or two ... 'pon my honor I do ... I haven't lost nearly all I meant to lose."

"Two kings of diamonds ... by all that's damnable!" quoth Lord Walterton, who had been the first to draw nigh. "But in Heaven's name, what does it all mean?" exclaimed Lambert, gazing at the two cards, hearing the comments round him, yet utterly unable to understand. Segrave jumped to his feet.

"A two, by gad!" said Lord Walterton, too confused in his feeble head now to display any real fury. "Did anyone ever see such accursed luck?" "And look at this nine," quoth Sir Michael, who had become very sullen; "not a card to-night!" "I have a king," said Lambert quietly.

No one, least of all Walterton, who remained the acknowledged leader of the little party of gamesters, had any idea of the numerical strength of the patrol whose interference with gentlemanly pastimes was unwarrantable and passing insolent. In the gloom on the landing beyond, a knot of men could only be vaguely discerned.

My Lord Walterton is as keen as ever and Sir James Overbury would brave the devil for a night at hazard. A message to them and we'll have a crowd every night." "'Tis well thought on, Editha," he said approvingly. "But we must not delay. Will you go to London to-morrow?" "An you approve." "Aye! you can take the Dover coach and be in town by nightfall.

The plentiful use of cosmetics had obliterated the ravages of time and imparted a youthful appearance to her face, whilst excitement not unmixed with apprehension lent a bright glitter to her dark eyes. Lord Walterton and Sir James Overbury lightly touched with their lips the hand which she extended to them.

"But where is our gracious hostess?" added Lord Walterton, a melancholy-looking young man with pale-colored eyes and lashes, and a narrow chest. "You are thrice welcome, my lord!" said Editha de Chavasse, whose elegant figure now detached itself from amongst her guests.

Segrave was burning with impatience, Lord Walterton was getting more and more fractious, whilst Sir Michael Isherwood viewed the young secretary with marked hauteur.

"I pay knave and upwards," declared Segrave in a dry and hollow voice, and with burning eyes fixed upon his new and formidable opponent. "My last sovereign, par Dieu!" swore Lord Walterton, throwing the money across to Segrave with an unsteady hand. "And one of my last," said Sir Michael, as he followed suit. "And what is your stake, Master Lambert?" queried Segrave.