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Yet when after those few unpleasant moments of hesitation Lambert boldly accepted the situation and with much simple dignity took his seat at the table, everyone immediately accepted him as an equal, nor did anyone question his right to sit there on terms of equality with Lord Walterton or Sir Michael Isherwood. His own state of mind was very remarkable at the moment.

I've had enough," said Lord Walterton, nodding a heavy head up and down, "there are too many of my bills about as it is.... I've had enough." "Methinks, of a truth," said Lambert decisively, "that the game has indeed lasted long enough.... And if some other gentleman would but take my place ..."

Lord Walterton, flushed with wine, more than with anger, constituted himself the spokesman of the party: "Who are you?" he asked somewhat unsteadily, "and what do you want?" "My name is Gunning," replied the man curtly, "captain commanding His Highness' police.

Oh! he knew some of the faces well enough by sight for he had originally served in the train-bands of London, and had oft seen my Lord Walterton, for instance, conspicuous at every entertainment now pronounced illicit by His Highness, and Sir Anthony Bridport, a constant frequenter at Exeter House, and young Lord Naythmire the son of the Judge.

'tis vastly simple you put up sixteen." "But if you lose that?" "Put up thirty-two...." "But if you have not thirty-two guineas to put up?" urged Sir Michael, who was obstinate. "Nay! then, my friend," said Lord Walterton with a laugh which soon broke into an ominous hiccough, "ye must not in that case play upon my system."