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I was then carried below, and placed in a berth, and very kindly treated. In a few days I was sufficiently recovered to go on deck. I was glad to see old Captain Stunt there also, looking well and fresh. I found that we were on board a large West India trader, the Montezuma, belonging to the firm to which I was apprenticed, Messrs. Dickson, Waddilove, and Buck.

Well, nobody can say Morris Brown is not as charitable as the best Christian breathing; and, as the late Lady Waddilove very justly observed, 'Brown, believe me, a prudent risk is the surest gain! I will lose no time in finding the late squire out." Muttering over these reflections, Mr. Brown took his way to the steward's room. Clar. How, two letters? The Lover's Progress.

Wolfe!" cried the slandered Brown, perfectly aghast; "I would have you to know, sir, that I have served the first families in the country, ay, and in this county too, and never had such words applied to me before. Sir, there was the late Lady Waddilove, and the respected Mrs. Minden, and her nephew the ambassador, and the Duchess of Pugadale, and Mr.

The chances were much in her favour, unless we could wing her, for some little time to come; but after that, we should get her into the bay, and then we might jam her down into the bight, and catch her. "Give her another shot across her fore-foot, Mr Waddilove," cried the Commander. "If she does not pay attention to that, fire right into her, and we will try to knock away some of her spars."

I took the liberty of coming back again, Madam, because I forgot to show you some very fine silks, the most extraordinary bargain in the world, quite presents; and I have a Sevres bowl here, a superb article, from the cabinet of the late Lady Waddilove." Now Mr. Brown was a very old acquaintance of Miss Diana St.

Brown, of going into a "nice quiet genteel family," he the most advisable one he could adopt? The generous benefactor of the late and ever-to-be-remembered Lady Waddilove perceived his advantage, and making the most of Clarence's hesitation, continued,

Just as we entered the port, the Ellen brig, belonging to Messrs. Dickson, Waddilove, and Burk, the owners of the Kite, came in also, and we at once went on board her. Captain Mathews was her master; he was one of the oldest and most trusted captains of the firm, and acted as a sort of agent for them at foreign ports. Whatever he ordered was to be done.

Oh well, we could soon think of some name beginning with a W Walters, Waddilove Waddilove is a delicious name in cold weather, suggesting cotton-wool or a warm duvet or Wilson or Wilberforce. But I'm afraid the staff Rose Mullet and Lily Steynes and the amorous Bertie Adams would think it odd, put two and two together, and guess right. Warren, after all, is such a common name.

I am thinking you will want some more. I have some capital cambric of curiously fine quality and texture, from the wardrobe of the late Lady Waddilove." "What, Lady Waddilove still!" cried Clarence. "Why, my good friend, you will offer next to furnish me with pantaloons from her ladyship's wardrobe."

The late Lady Waddilove honoured my taste in these matters with her especial approbation." "Pish!" said the son, fretfully interrupting him, "do, I beseech you, take your hand off my shoulder. See now, you have made me lose my place. I really do wish you would leave me alone for one moment in the day."