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After a pause he began more vivaciously, and as if to shake off some disagreeable thought that was impressing him, "But I mustn't forget to give you YOUR Christmas, old man, and I've got it right here with me."

"Oh, I'm strong for it!" Elinor said vivaciously. "It'll cheer Magsie up. She's probably scared blue, and even I can see that this isn't making much of a hit!" The note was accordingly scribbled and dispatched; Rachael's heart was singing because Warren had not denied Elinor's comment upon the success of the play.

We have a tournament every week, and a prize cup for the best score in the season. It's lots of fun. Do you bowl?" "Not very much," Mr. Turner confessed; "but if you'll just keep me posted on all these various forms of recreation, you may count on my taking a prominent share in them." "All right," agreed Miss Hastings, very vivaciously taking the conversation away from Miss Westlake.

He is a young man clothed to be the fit companion of Miss Hill, and he waits self-effacingly while that young lady vivaciously greets Florence as her dearest, and while she bestows a touch of her gloved fingers and a "How d'ye do, Mr. Kenby," on the father. She then introduces the young man as Mr. Larcher, on whose face, as he bows, there appears a surprised admiration of Florence Kenby's beauty.

In a monotonous tone she set about calculating our discoveries. "A basketful of bottles thick furs a sunshade an iron pail." All this was uneatable. I felt that my hopes had vanished... But suddenly she exclaimed vivaciously: "Aha! here it is!" "What?" "Bread ... a loaf ... it's only wet ... take it!" A loaf flew to my feet and after it herself, my valiant comrade.

The tall man seemed to be talking to her vivaciously. His long, shadow-arms shot across the grass, his head wagged. "The shadows of Fate!" cried Valeria fantastically. Then they moved into sight, advancing towards the terrace. "Who are they I wonder? Oh, Professor Fortescue, for one!" "Lady Engleton and Joseph Fleming. The other I don't know."

"Rhoda! Wrent! What strange names you talk of!" cried Ferruci vivaciously. "No stranger than that of your friend Jorce." Ferruci laughed. "Oh, he is altogether most strange. You see." It was as the Italian said. Dr. Jorce who was waiting for them in the Count's room proved to be a small, dried-up atom of a man, who looked as though all the colour had been bleached out of him.

He won races in Paris last year, and they say he will enter one of his hunters for the steeplechases here at Easter." "That is a great inducement to go to the meet, to see this Englishman," said the Duchessa rather wearily, as she leaned back in her chair. Giovanni was silent, but showed no intention of going. Del Ferice, with an equal determination to stay, chattered vivaciously.

"If this evening we set you down to a good dish of meat, sleep will soon follow," answered Arsinoe, and she took the handkerchief out of her father's hand, and coaxingly wiped his temples, going on vivaciously: "We are quite rich folks, father, and will show the other citizens' daughters what we can do." "Now you shall both take part in the festival," said Keraunus, decidedly.

"How are you, my dear Spero?" he vivaciously cried. "Oh, thank you, very well. Do you know, Gontram, that you couldn't have come at a more appropriate hour?" "Really? That pleases me," said the new-comer, a painter who in spite of his youth enjoyed a great reputation. Laying his hand on Spero's shoulder, he looked steadily at him and earnestly asked: "Has anything disagreeable happened to you?"