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I think he knew the Victrix was coming to Audhumla, and just about when." "I don't like that, commodore," Shefter said. "You think I do, sir?" the Intelligence officer countered. "There it is, though. We all have to face it." "We do," Shefter agreed. "Get on it, commodore, and I don't need to caution you to screen everybody you put onto it very carefully."

Hardly. But it was an inciting suggestion. She began to tremble as a lightning-flash made visible her fortunes recovered, disgrace averted, hours of peace for composition stretching before her: a summer afternoon's vista. It seemed a duel between herself and Mr. Tonans, and she sure of her triumph Diana victrix! 'Danvers! she called. 'Is it to undress, ma'am? said the maid, entering to her.

Here the spoils of the jeweler, the atelier, and studio, are strangely mingled. Joe Woods buys anything he likes. A decanter of Bourbon, a box of the very primest Havanas, and a business-like revolver, lying on the table, indicate his free and easy ways. Letters in heaps prove that "mon brave Colonel Woods" is even known to the pretty free-lances who fight under the rosy banner of Venus Victrix.

It is all very well for Admiral de la Graviere to speak of "Gallia Victrix" the Americans, too, might have something to say on that point. The fact is that neither European nor American arms crushed the pest. But for the invention of steam, the Barbary corsairs might still be with us. It has a pleasant signification, that word "Dolcedorme": it means Sweet slumber.

One man alone dared openly to combat the proposal, the great Carnot; and the opposition of Curée to Carnot might have recalled to the minds of those abject champions of popular liberty the verse that glitters amidst the literary rubbish of the Roman Empire: "Victrix causa deis placuit, sed victa Catoni." The Tribunate named a commission to report; it was favourable to the Bonapartes.

Included in the following list are a few of the most beautiful kinds: Alba Victor. Alexandra. Beauty of Worcester. Belle of Woking. Blue Gem. Duchess of Edinburgh. Edith Jackman. Fairy Queen. John Gould Veitch. Lady Bovill. Lord Beaconsfield. Lucie Lemoine. Madame Baron Veillard. Miss Bateman. Mrs. A. Jackman. Othello. Prince of Wales. Rubella. Star of India. Stella. Venus Victrix.

Of course Dunnan and Makann were in collusion. Who tipped Dunnan off that the Victrix would be on Audhumla? Makann; his spies in the Navy tipped him. What about the Honest Horris; wasn't Makann blocking any investigation about her? Why was Admiral Shefter retired as soon as Makann got into power?

When Provence became Christian the temple was converted into a chapel, Venus Victrix became transformed into S. Victoria; and the procession remained unaltered, the inhabitants of the neighbouring villages ascended the mountain bearing boughs of box, which they waved and shouted "Victoire! Victoire!" On reaching the chapel, Mass was celebrated.

Beautiful she could never have been, even in her youth, but her features were regular, and the prefect confessed to himself as he looked at Sabina's face, marked as it was with minute wrinkles and touched up with red and white, that the sculptor who a few years previously had been commissioned to represent her as 'Venus Victrix' might very well have given the goddess a certain amount of resemblance to the imperial model.

Then Meta, in her turn, read D.V.X., which, as Ethel said, was all she could wish of course it was dux et imperator, and Harry muttered into Norman's ear, "ducks and geese!" and then heaved a sigh, as he thought of the dux no longer. "V.V.," continued Meta; "what can that mean?" "Five, five, of course," said Flora. "No, no! I have it, Venus Victrix" said Ethel, "the ancestral Venus!