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Velvet-cap assented with a grunt; one of the sisters all briskness at night, but fit for nothing of a morning proposed not to go to bed at all; while the other quite used up at night, but "up to everything" of a morning undertook to call the whole party in time for departure.

Then there came a tap against our coupé window, and an unmistakably British accent was heard to say: "Anglais? Anglais?" Tap tap tap. "Any English here?" Velvet-cap let the window down, and answered in his cheerfullest tone, "Yes." This reply seemed to rejoice the heart of the inquirer, who immediately rejoined, "Oh! Well, I really wished to know if there were any one here who could understand me.

"Mine, too," said Velvet-cap. Taffy stood staring after them as they walked off down the lane which skirts the Botanical Gardens. The names on the two cards were famous ones, as even he knew. He walked back toward Trinity a proud and happy boy. Half-way up Queen's Lane, finding himself between blank walls, with nobody in sight, he even skipped.

"Get off with you, will you?" was the ejaculation from Velvet-cap, as he pushed away the man, and went in search of his alert friend. The latter soon came running back to the coach-side, bidding the sisters get out quickly and come and look at what was well worth seeing. It was indeed!

A voice before us shouted out, "We must all go back to San Remo!" A silence ensued; and then our conductor got down, running forward to see what was the matter. The three in the coupé saw their alert friend of the banquette descend; which caused Velvet-cap to bestir himself, and let down the window.

Suddenly the old clergyman said, "There is your College!" "Well?" All three had come to a halt. The boy turned, blushing furiously. "This is the best of all, sir." "Boy," said old Velvet-cap, "do you know the meaning of 'edification'? There stands your lesson for four years to come, if you can learn it in that time. Do you think it easy?

Next morning, however, she was herself again, and able to note the owner of the British accent, who had certainly obtained his desired carpet-bag, since there he was, at the coupé window, brushed and beaming, addressing Velvet-cap with, "Excuse me, as an Englishman; but, could you oblige me with change for a napoleon? I want it to pay my bill with.

And in a moment the pair were in hot pursuit after the quotation, tripping each other up like two schoolboys at a game. Taffy never forgot the final stanza, the last line of which they recovered exactly in the middle of the street, Velvet-cap standing between two tram-lines, right in the path of an advancing car, while he declaimed

Kept last night, too, by something of the same kind of accident; and I couldn't get those stupid fellows to make out what I meant, and give me my carpet-bag." Polite condolences from Velvet-cap. "I say, are these your Italian skies? Is Nice no better than this? By George, I didn't come here for this, though!" Assurances of the unusually bad weather this season from Velvet-cap.

It spells the moral change which came over this University when religion, the spring and source of collegiate life, was discarded. The cloisters behind you were built for men who walked with God." "But why," objected Taffy, plucking up courage, "couldn't they do that in the sunlight?" Velvet-cap opened his mouth.