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Aguilar," said Miss Ingate. "I'm just going into No. 37, Madame Piriac's room. Don't you think Mr. Aguilar looks vehy odd in London?" "Good morning, Aguilar. You in town on business?" Aguilar touched his forehead. It is possible that he looked very odd in London, but he was wearing a most respectable new suit of clothes, and might well have passed for a land agent. "'Mornin', ma'am.

"Anything happened?" repeated Miss Ingate. "What you mean? I don't see anything vehy particular on the posters." "Everybody looks so sad and worried, compared with people in Paris." "So they do! So they do!" cried Miss Ingate. "Oh, yes! So they do! I wondered what it was seemed so queer. That's it. Well, of course you mustn't forget we're in England. I always did say it was a vehy peculiar place."

"And they did not hang the colonel?" "Hang a Talcott! No, suh; we don't hang gentlemen down our way. Jedge Kerfoot vehy properly charged the coroner's jury that it was a matter of self-defense, and Colonel Talcott was not detained mo' than haalf an hour." The colonel stopped, unlocked a closet in the sideboard, and produced a black bottle labeled in ink, "Old Cherry Bounce, 1848."

As soon as you went out he up vehy quickly and ran away." At this information Audrey was more obviously troubled and dashed than Miss Ingate had ever seen her, in Paris. She made no answer at all. Fortunately, lying on the table in front of the mirror was a letter for Miss Ingate which had arrived by the evening post.

"Colonel Temple Talcott of F'okeer County, Virginia, came into Talcottville one mornin', suh, a town settled by his ancestors, ridin' upon his horse or rather a mule belongin' to his overseer. Colonel Talcott, suh, belonged to one of the vehy fust families in Virginia. He was a son of Jedge Thaxton Talcott, and grandson of General Snowden Stafford Talcott of the Revolutionary War.

This man, Musa, and the two chauffeurs entered swiftly into a complex altercation, which endured until Audrey had paid the chauffeurs and all the trunks had been transported behind the immense door and the door bangingly shut. "Vehy amusing, isn't it?" whispered Miss Ingate caustically to Audrey. "Aren't they dears?" "Madame Dubois's establishment is on the third and fourth floors," said Nick.

Ah would neveh have raced afteh to-day. It was a whim of an old man to see his colohs once moh among a field of hawses. Ah knew Ah was not of this day. Ah should have known bettah than to become a paht of it even foh a little time. Ah have learned ma lesson, he says, lookin' up at me. 'But you have made it vehy bittah.

"Wondyful!" cried Lady Sunderbund. "Tell me, Lady Sunderbund," said the bishop, "are you going to alter the outer appearance of the old doctor's house?" And found that at last he had discovered the saving topic. "Ha'dly at all," she said. "I shall just have it pointed white and do the doa I'm not su' how I shall do the doa. Whetha I shall do the doa gold or a vehy, vehy 'itch blue."

Whar I axe you air we to git somethin' to eat fer my command?" Bill had anticipated this. "I'll take keer o' that." Captain Wells rubbed his hands. "Of co'se, of co'se you are a soldier and a patriot you can afford to feed 'em as a slight return fer the pertection I shall give you and yourn." "Certainly," agreed Bill dryly, and with a prophetic stir of uneasiness. "Vehy vehy well.

Gregg, half sighing, "we were young once, eh, Judge? young once ouhselves." "Lucky dog!" said the judge; "lucky dog! But he seems a gentleman, and if he has propah fam'ly an' propah resources, it may be, yessah, it may be she's lucky, too. Oh, Northehn, yessah, I admit it. But what would you expeck, sah, in these times? I'm told theh are some vehy fine people in the No'th."