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Vava's colour rose, but she walked on without taking the least notice of what was said. Not so, Doreen. She stopped in front of them, and demanded loudly, 'What do you mean by that? I have no titled friend, because I'm only a tradesman's daughter, and very proud of the fact, for he earned every penny he's got honestly, which is more than you can say of some grand people.

'And what Monty Jones means comes to pass, as most people have found, and as you will find, he had said as he patted Vava's arm kindly; and Vava had faith in the old man's word. However, there was no chance of their being friends at present, as she saw, for she and Stella duly called on the wrong day, and Mrs.

'She'll be a sensible young lady. What are they like? continued Mrs. Morrison. Vava left Stella to describe their new house-mates, and also to talk things over with Mrs. Morrison, who had a great deal to tell her and ask her, and ran off to see Doreen, who was rewarded for her patience by Vava's delight.

Stacey, who was so horrid, telling us we must go into poky lodgings and be saving, quite approves of our taking a house with some people we don't know very well! It's rather funny of him, but I believe I know the reason, announced Vava, nodding her head. Stella thought she knew too, but her guess was a different one to Vava's.

Not a sign of surprise nor annoyance at this truly extraordinary request was to be seen on his face, nor even a gleam of amusement in his eyes. Stella took the letters and looked them through; but in vain! Vava's letter was not amongst them! She looked a second time, and then handed them back, with a worried air, to Mr.

James Jones's goodness, and treat it as a personal matter between him and Vava, and have nothing to do with the matter, which was also Vava's opinion; for, as she said candidly to Stella, 'You are not so civil to him that he would care to do you a favour. Afterwards she felt that her candour both to Stella and the junior partner had been rather a mistake.

It was well that Vava could not see her sister's amused smile, which broke out several times on the way home at the remembrance of the younger girl's suggestion that the junior partner might be a rogue; and it is to be feared that Stella would not have been sorry if her employer whom she suspected unjustly of thinking a good deal of himself and of wishing to patronise her and pity her for having 'come down in the world' had heard Vava's remark.

Is she not down? asked Amy, who was generally the last, and now sat down to take a hurried breakfast. 'No, she has not appeared yet. You might run and see if she has overslept herself, Vava, suggested Stella. 'I wish you'd go, Stella, replied Vava. Stella did not look at all pleased at Vava's disobligingness; but she was too dignified to argue, and getting up she went herself to Eva's room.

I sat on the rail with Vava's dumb-show uppermost in my mind, and a strong desire came to me to see the grave of David, and the tombstone erected by his frenzied kinsman. I strolled up the Broom road to the Annexe, and past Madame Fanny's restaurant to the garden of the Banque de l'Indo-Chine, and continued westward to the cemetery.

'Do you know, Stella, I have come to the conclusion that people never do what you expect them to do; anyway, you and Mr. Stacey don't, announced Vava when she heard Mr. Stacey's advice. 'I don't? What have I done or not done that you expected? said Stella, amused at Vava's moralising, though she understood and agreed with her surprise at Mr.