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Woodwardia radicans is a superb, broad-shouldered fern five to eight feet high, growing in vase-shaped clumps where tile ground is nearly level and on some of the benches of the north wall of the Valley where it is watered by a broad trickling stream. It thatches the sloping rocks, frond overlapping frond like roof shingles.

The buttresses, on which stand curious vase-shaped finials, are joined by a straight moulded cornice, above which rises a rounded pediment floriated on the outer side. From the pediment there stands out a helmet whose mantling entirely covers the flat surface, and below it hangs a shield, charged with the da Silva arms, a lion rampant.

The playing commenced by a jet bursting from a point almost secluded by trees, which appeared on a level with the first story of the palace; the stream then fell into stone basins, and by turns threw itself aloft, or gushed from the mouths of numberless marine animals, and descended by glassy falls into a basin, whence it found its way into several vase-shaped forms, and again descended by magnificent cascades, discharging themselves into a large, circular tank or basin, with two strong jets throwing their limpid streams many feet high.

It has a stout sucker, with a honeysuckle grown into it coming up among the moss, where the great white vase-shaped funguses grew up in the autumn. 'I know him, my Lord, said Tom, brightening at the detail, given with all a sick man's vivid remembrance of the out-of-doors world. 'I have fixed my mind on that stick! I think it has a bend at the root.

The fence surrounding the garden was lost in a wealth of vines, chief among which was the morning-glory, whose vase-shaped blossoms were drooping sleepily beneath the sun's hot glare. Close to the garden ran the main highway, and at times Mrs. Hampton lifted her head and looked longingly down the road as if expecting someone.

An oblong room divided in the middle crosswise by two fluted pillars of pink-stained marble, light, delicately capped, and very graceful between the pillars a segmental arch between the walls and the pillars square ties; the wall above the pillars elaborately scrolled; three curtains of woollen stuff uniformly Tyrian dyed filling the open places the central curtain drawn to the pillars, and held there by silken ropes richly tasselled the side curtains dropped; a skylight for each division of the room, and under each skylight an ample brazier dispensing a comfortable degree of warmth; floor laid in pink and saffron tiles; chairs with and without arms, some upholstered, all quaintly carved to each chair a rug harmoniously colored; massive tables of carven wood, the tops of burnished copper inlaid with blocks of jasper, mostly red and yellow on the tables murrhine pitchers vase-shaped, with crystal drinking goblets about them; the skylights conical and of clear glass; the walls panelled, a picture in every panel, and the raised margins and the whole space outside done in arabesque of studied involution; doors opposite each other and bare; such was the reception-room in the town-house of the Princess Irene arranged for the winter.

Across the road the monkey flower grins affably at the edge of the grass and the water hemlock, with a hollow stem as big as a gun-barrel and tall as a man, spreads its large umbels of tiny white flowers on curving branches like a vase-shaped elm in miniature.

Had not the head of a colossal statue been found, mingled with fragments of huge sphinxes, at the foot of yonder vase-shaped mass of bricks? He seemed to see the entire colossal statue standing again between the huge, crouching beasts.

"A vase-shaped beetle with deer's horns," he repeated as he walked on, and then the gathering gloom of the wood suggested an addition: "And some day I shall find in the wood that moth of which I have dreamed since childhood the dark moth with the face of death between his wings." The châlet stood on a little clearing, in a little circle of pines.

Had not the head of a colossal statue been found, mingled with fragments of huge sphinxes, at the foot of yonder vase-shaped mass of bricks? He seemed to see the entire colossal statue standing again between the huge, crouching beasts.