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I'll make 'em feel the weight of true metal; I'll board 'em d e, I'll do everything." "Everything that can be done." "Ay ay." The coach in which the family of the Bannerworths were carried away continued its course without any let or hindrance, and they met no one on their road during the whole drive. The fact was, nearly everybody was at the conflagration at Sir Francis Varney's house.

He now quitted Sir Francis Varney's abode, being let out by a servant who had been rung for for that purpose by his master. Henry walked homeward, satisfied that he had now done all that he could under the circumstances. "I will send Chillingworth to him in the morning, and then I shall see what all this will end in.

"Ah, Gabriel! ah, Varney! ah, prince of good fellows, well met! You sup with us to-night at little Celeste's; we were just going in search of you." "Who's your friend, one of us?" whispered a second. And the third screwed his arm tight and lovingly into Varney's.

It was plain the military who had been placed in the town to quell disturbances, had been made acquainted with the proceedings at Sir Francis Varney's house, and were now marching to relieve the place, and to save the property.

Since we met at Varney's, I have been making some inquiries about this neighbourhood, and learn strange things." "That you may very easily do here; and, what is more extraordinary, the strange things are, for the most part, I can assure you, quite true."

Perhaps the little disagreeable circumstance, which is made so much food for gossip in the neighbourhood, has affected her spirits?" "It has." "You allude to the supposed visit here of a vampyre?" said Charles, as he fixed his eyes upon Varney's face.

Of course, there was nothing to do but accede to that request. "Lay hold of the canoe," called Varney impatiently, when the poor fellow reappeared. "I'll send a boat down for you." There had been no chance of his drowning: for the overturned canoe was staunch, and floated, a splendid life-belt, not a foot away from him. At Varney's word, he seized hold of it feebly, with both hands.

"I thought as much," was Charles's exclamation when he heard the doctor's voice. "It would have been strikingly at variance with all Varney's other conduct, if he had committed such a deliberate and heartless murder."

It was in this loose boyish talk of Percival that he had found the way, not only to Helen's heart, but to her soul. She yearned to kiss the warm hand she held, and drew nearer to his side as she answered: "And sometimes, dear, dear Percival, you wonder why I would rather listen to you than to all Mr. Varney's bitter eloquence, or even to my dear cousin's aspiring ambition.

The old man rose, and taking a light walked towards the end of the apartment, where was a door that led to the small sleeping-room destined for his reception during the night. At the door he turned round, and slowly repeated Varney's question ere he answered it. "For what do I take thee, Richard Varney? Why, for a worse devil than I have been myself.