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'How did his master like it? 'Oh! Brummy? He looked as black as the ace of spades. He'd have made it hot for that dorg if he could ha' got at him. But I suppose he forgived him when he came out. 'Why should he? 'Because the jury fetched him in guilty without leaving the box, and the judge give him seven years. You wouldn't find this old varmint a-doin' no such foolishness as that.

It may be tough, or it mayn't; it may be bitter, an' it mayn't, for what I knows to the contrairywise; but, oncest on a time, this niggur chawed a varmint that wa'n't much sweeter, if it wur as sweet." "What was it, Rube?" "What was it?" asked several in a breath, curious to know what the old trapper could have eaten more unpalatable than the viands already named.

She'll be sendin' out an S. O. S. for her own an' will be ready to join you in flayin' the jeweler. Give the poor varmint time, an' he'll shift things round all right." "But Miss Hathaway " "Delight's lived the best part of two weeks without that buckle, an' she don't look none the worse for not havin' it. I saw her in the post-office only yesterday an' "

Though Big Tom had waged a lifelong warfare with the bears, and taken the hide off at least a hundred of them, I could not see that he had any vindictive feeling towards the varmint, but simply an insatiable love of killing him, and he regarded him in that half-humorous light in which the bear always appears to those who study him. As to deer he couldn't tell how many of them he had slain.

Hawes deep in a book. "Brought the report, sir." "Give it to me. Humph! No. 40 and 45 refractory at the crank. No. 65 caught getting up to his window; says he wanted to feel the light. 65 that is one of the boys, isn't it?" "Yes, sir." "How old is the young varmint?" "Eleven, sir." "No. 14 heard to speak to a prisoner that was leaving the jail, his term being out. What did he say to him?"

The first we should know of it would be the yell of the varmint at the foot of this barrier, and afore we could get to the top the two on guard would be tomahawked, and they would be down on us like a pack of wolves.

"I intend to eat some myself," he replied with dignity. "Are they some kind of a varmint?" Dubiously. "Varmint?" "Pack-rat or weasel?" "Scarcely!" Wallie looked so injured that Pinkey said apologetically: "I was jest cur'ous." But inquired further: "Is that stuffin' or in'ards coming through the sewin' down the front of 'em?" "Forcemeat. I made it according to a recipe." "Indeed?" Politely.

He is a most fearless animal, having such abundant and well-reasoned confidence in his mounted battery, charged with such noxious gases as might well receive the attention of our projectile experts. The first time I ever saw one he came into my mountain hut. Knowing only that he was "varmint" I endeavoured to kill him quickly with a spade.

The men sat chewing their tobacco, lolling in the sun, and I lay back watching the crowd at the edge of the water, wondering how long the captain and his escort would be, and whether the prisoners would be given up. "Hope none o' them pigtailed varmint won't shy mud at the skipper," said one of the men, yawning. "I hope they will," said Tom Jecks. "Why, mate?"

The 'varmint' ran straight for the French lines, but the Englishmen would not cease from the chase; the Frenchmen opposed them, and killed many of these adventurous gentlemen who for the moment forgot their warfare in the charms of the chase." But I must proceed to mention other February customs and sports.