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For men she had no respect whatever, but conceded a grudging admiration to Mr. Thorald as "the usefullest biddablest male person" she had ever seen. She also extended special sympathy to Mrs. Thorald on account of her peculiar burden, and the Swedish woman had no antipathy to her color, and seemed to take a melancholy pleasure in Julianna's caustic speeches.

On this occasion, Pyrophilus, I shall add, that finding the Glass-prism to be the usefullest Instrument Men have yet imploy'd about the Contemplation of Colours, and considering that Prisms hitherto in use are made of Glass, Transparent and Colourless, I thought it would not be amiss to try, what change the Superinduction of a Colour, without the Destruction of the Diaphaneity, would produce in the Colours exhibited by the Prism.

"Where's the ammunition? We don't carry a single round shot aboard, nor haven't for years. Besides which, she'd burst to a certainty." "There's time enough to make up a few tins of canister," argued my father. "Or stay " He smote his leg. "Didn't I tell you old Worthyvale would turn out the usefullest man on board?" "What's the matter with Worthyvale?"

"Which one do you prefir?" says the Pope; "that is," says he, "which figure of spache do you find most usefullest when you're hard set?" "Metaphour's very good," says his Riv'rence, "and so's mettonymy, and I've known prosodypeia stand to me at a pinch mighty well, but for a constancy, superbaton's the figure for my money.

Whether Syllogism is the great Instrument of Reason. There is one thing more which I shall desire to be considered concerning reason; and that is, whether SYLLOGISM, as is generally thought, be the proper instrument of it, and the usefullest way of exercising this faculty. The causes I have to doubt are these: First Cause to doubt this. Men can reason well who cannot make a Syllogism.

"You'll have to do one or t'other. Might as well do it first as last." Margaret turned from one piece to another with a hopelessly perplexed face. There were three lying before her; a plain brown, a very dark green with a pretty little pattern, and a delicate grey, striped with a darker shade of the same colour. "Brown's usefullest, maybe," said she in an uncertain tone.

Sir, we will not detain you; our case in short is this: Here are we embarked in this undertaking for the public good. Now, if people should be suffered to go on unburied at this rate, there is an end of the usefullest manufactures and handicrafts of the kingdom; for where will be your sextons, coffin-makers, and plumbers? What will become of your embalmers, epitaph-mongers, and chief-mourners?

Then, in art, keep the finest models before her, and let her practice in all accomplishments be accurate and thorough, so as to enable her to understand more than she accomplishes. I say the finest models that is to say, the truest, simplest, usefullest. Try them in music, where you might think them the least applicable.

It is they who tell you the deepest and usefullest truth, which involves all others in time. Greek art, and all other art, is fine when it makes a man's face as like a man's face as it can. Hold to that. All kinds of nonsense are talked to you, nowadays, ingeniously and irrelevantly about art.

Then his face became composed. 'Old clothes, said Mr. Barkis. 'Oh! said I. 'I wish it was Money, sir, said Mr. Barkis. 'I wish it was, indeed, said I. 'But it AIN'T, said Mr. Barkis, opening both his eyes as wide as he possibly could. I expressed myself quite sure of that, and Mr. Barkis, turning his eyes more gently to his wife, said: 'She's the usefullest and best of women, C. P. Barkis.