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How nice they looked, moving, moving, chasing each other in the air. Did flies get into the cells? Perhaps not even a fly came there nothing more living than walls and wood! Nothing living except what was inside oneself! How dreadful! Not even a clock ticking, not even a bird's song! Silent, unliving, worse than in this room! Something pressed against her leg.

"Not by the gods of my mother who turned their strength against her do I promise this. I, Norhala, have no need for them I, Norhala, who have strength greater than they. And would I could crush those gods as I shall crush you, Cherkis and every living thing of yours! Yea and every UNLIVING thing as well!" Not halting now was Norhala's speech; it poured from the ruthless lips flamingly.

He had on a silk wrap of a beautiful bluish colour, with an amethyst hem. To his surprise he saw the two young men by the fire, stark naked. Halliday looked up, rather pleased. 'Good-morning, he said. 'Oh did you want towels? And stark naked he went out into the hall, striding a strange, white figure between the unliving furniture.

It was no love of the merely dead, but a love of the unliving! He pressed the thing to his bosom; then, as if rebuked by the presence of Dawtie, put it a little from him, and began to pore over every stone, every repousse figure between, and every engraved ornament around the gems, each of which he knew, by shape, order, quality of color, better than ever face of wife or child.

He wanted to go where the English have gone, beyond the Self, into the great inhuman Not Self, to create the great unliving creators, the machines, out of the active forces of nature that existed before flesh. But he is too old. It remains for the young Italian to embrace his mistress, the machine.

And as the mole on my right breast is where it was when I was born, though all my body has been woven of new stuff time after time, so through the ghost of the unquiet father the image of the unliving son looks forth. In the intense instant of imagination, when the mind, Shelley says, is a fading coal, that which I was is that which I am and that which in possibility I may come to be.

Naturally ready to fall into gloom, but healthy enough to avoid it, she would rush at anything to do not to keep herself from thinking, for she had hardly begun to think, but to escape that heavy sense of non-existence, that weary and restless want which is the only form life can take to the yet unliving, those who have not yet awakened and arisen from the dead.

Those rows below drawn up as if in order to march, unliving rows. They could not be alive as the Terrans knew life! Ross left his vantage point, ready to follow Karara. But he could not blot from his mind the picture of those lines, nor forget the terrible blankness which made their faces more unhuman, more frightenly alien than those of the Foanna. Shades Against Shadow

The rush of cool air revived her somewhat, but her heart beat spasmodically, her blood seemed a thin, unliving stream. Street after street slipped by like a panorama on a screen, familiar, yet unreal. The world, her world, had changed in its essence, in its every manifestation. At last the taxi drew up before the door of her home was it home still? she wondered.

Why is it that some of us would rather go to a movie, or listen to the radio, or see a ball game, or read an exciting book? One reason, it must be acknowledged, is because our meetings today are sometimes dull and unliving. We assemble in our meeting houses, but nothing happens. A related reason is that many of us have not yet awakened spiritually. Our bodies are active. Our minds are alert.