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There, in spite of the passage of that huge wave of Buddhism, which for a period almost submerged the more ancient faith, all things remain as they were a score of centuries ago; Time, in those haunted precincts, would seem to have slept, as in the enchanted palaces of fairy-tale. The mere shapes of the buildings, weird and tall, startle by their unfamiliarity.

Partly it was the contrast between the homely associations of the Feast, begun, as it was for her, with the mass before dawn the room at the top of the widow's house was crowded all the while she was there between these associations and the unfamiliarity of the place. It seemed to her as a shadow-show without sense or meaning, since the heart of Christmas was gone.

This is followed by the description of a case which he says contains the symptoms typical of the psychosis but in which no pathognomic abnormality is mentioned except negativism a vague term whose meaning varies with the observer. Not unnaturally with such unfamiliarity, the psychosis is a "dispensation of Providence."

And if there are certain items which appear to us trivial and meaningless, it is probably unfamiliarity which breeds our contempt. Perhaps a far-off generation may wonder how civilised folk in the twentieth century could perform absurd antics with rice and slippers. Marcia is now what was known as a "matron."

The danger of possible friction between two commanders-in-chief came to be regarded as small compared with the danger of a single one making mistakes through unfamiliarity with the limitations of the service to which he does not belong. The system has usually worked well even when questions arose which were essentially questions for a joint superior Staff. The exceptions indeed are very few.

A book peddler going his rounds offered a collection of miscellaneous books at auction. I bought, among others, a Latin and a Greek grammar, and assiduously commenced their study. With the first I was as successful as could be expected under the circumstances, but failed with the Greek, owing to the unfamiliarity of the alphabet, which seemed to be an obstacle to memory of the words and forms.

Of course she and the Camp Fire girls felt perfectly safe in their retreat in the woods, although just at the beginning of their encampment, when the nights closed down upon them, some few of the girls had felt awed and nervous, now after ten such experiences the sense of unfamiliarity was quite gone.

The banker had been using his eyes with an interest that betrayed his unfamiliarity with these surroundings. "I was on my way up- town and preferred not to telephone." He looked meaningly at Croft; and Lorelei, interpreting his glance, sent the dresser from the room on some errand. "Well, the game worked," said Merkle. "Mrs. Hammon has left home and commenced suit for divorce.

This was Joseph Louden, Attorney-at-Law; and to Ariel it was like a new face seen in a flash-light not at all the face of Joe. The sense of his strangeness, his unfamiliarity in this electrical aspect, overcame her. She was possessed by astonishment: Did she know him so well, after all?

It means that they say whatever they like to you, and don't get up out of your favorite chair when you come in." "I agree," said I, "that a soupcon of unfamiliarity is not amiss." "Of course it's nice to be one of the family," she continued. "The cat is that," said I. "I would not give a fig for it." "And the Dowager taught me the ways of the house." "Ah, she taught me the way out of it."