United States or Serbia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And then she gave way, and indulged in the luxury of turning herself loose on Kitty's shoulder. Presently she was able to wipe her eyes and relate the whole story from the Sunday Mr. Bush stopped and spoke to her in the park down to that evening. Kitty nodded understandingly. "But the girls have handed it to you worse than the men, Hazel," she observed sagely.

Craft studies the world calculatingly, from without, instead of understandingly from within. Especially would it have cheapened the feline philosophies; for not simply how to know but how to circumvent the universe would have been their desire. Mankind's curiosity is disinterested; it seems purer by contrast. That is to say, made as we are, it seems purer to us.

After all, those people down there in Calvary Alley were her people, and she meant to stand by them. It had been the dream of her life to get out and away, but in that moment she knew that wherever she went, she would always come back. Others might help from the top, but she could help understandingly from the bottom.

The grim monsters became kind and friendly as she saw how their mighty strength was obedient always to the directing eye and hand of the workmen who controlled them. The many noises, as she learned to distinguish them, came to blend into one harmonious whole, like the instruments in a great orchestra. The confusion, as she came to view it understandingly, resolved itself into orderly movement.

When he saw who the visitors were, he caught his breath, almost with a sob, and seemed relieved. "S-s-h-h!" he whispered warningly. "She's asleep." The members of the Board of Strategy nodded understandingly and sat down upon the sofa. Captain Cy tiptoed to the bedroom, turned back the bedclothes with one hand and laid Bos'n down. They saw him tuck her carefully in and then stoop and kiss her.

The general aspect of the country is that of being occupied by thrifty farmers of advanced ideas, such as carry on their calling understandingly, and more like well-populated America than sparsely-inhabited Australia.

Distempered and vague, his soul seemed spinning in an aching chaos. It was being overpowered by vast elements, and life and being were atrophied in a deadly smother. The awful forces behind visible being hung him in the middle space between consciousness and dissolution. He heard David's voice, at first dimly, then understandingly. "There is no other way. Thou art a traitor.

She had known so many of the same trials, troubles, and temptations that she could speak understandingly of them; and, better still, she had conquered or outlived so many of them, that she could not only pity but help others to do as she had done.

Now you've got to play to us; we are bored to death with everything we know." "All right.... But I have a great deal to talk to you about later," said Andrews in a low voice. Genevieve nodded understandingly. "Why don't you play us La Reine de Saba, Jean?" "Oh, do play that," twittered the cousins. "If you don't mind, I'd rather play some Bach."

You know I told you it was there. Been in her family way back. Seen it ever since she was a girl." "Yes I knew it was of no use, of course. But you know how it is, Doctor." The white head nodded understandingly as Dr. Harry's hand was slowly raised to his eyes. "Yes I know Harry. Jo take it pretty bad?" "Couldn't do anything with, him, poor fellow, and those children, too " Both men were silent.