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The key was of a good sort; small, inscribed "Tripp's Patent" on the bow, and it evidently belonged to a superior lever lock. The paper which had come from the barrel was very thin and tough a kind I have seen used in typewriters. It had been very carefully and closely rolled, and then pushed into the key so that its natural tendency to open out held it tightly within.

Since then female typewriters and a few better-paid women have been introduced into other offices in accordance with the casual impulses of this or that parliamentary or permanent chief; but no systematic attempt has been made to enrich the thinking power of the State by using the trained and patient intellects of the women who graduate each year in the newer, and 'qualify by examination to graduate, in the older Universities.

"What kind of work is it you want-you're not a typewriter, are you?" "Oh, no," answered Carrie. "Well, we only employ book-keepers and typewriters here. You might go around to the side and inquire upstairs. They did want some help upstairs a few days ago. Ask for Mr. Brown." She hastened around to the side entrance and was taken up by the elevator to the fourth floor. "Call Mr.

C. B. Benjamin is on 28th Street, in the United Manufacturing Corporation. Thanking her for her courtesy, Selwyn left the office, and going directly to Mr. Schneider's place of business, sent in his card. He was ushered through a large room where a dozen typewriters were clicking noisily, and reaching the private office of Mr.

If you were in the line of varnish, or bicycles, or soap, or typewriters, or extract of beef, or of malt " "Still I should be interested in book advertising, because it is the most vital of human interests." "Tell me," said my friend, "do you read the advertisements of the books of rival authors?" "Brother authors," I corrected him. "Well, brother authors."

'The Embankment by Night. Fitting sequel to 'The City by Day. I'm a child in such matters, but, 'pon my honor, if tempted to pour out my hard-earned savings into the lap of a City magnate, I would disgorge here more readily than in some saloon-bar of finance, where the new mahogany glistens, and the typewriters click like machine-guns." Ingerman was nettled. He glanced at his correspondence.

Merton Gill hurried through a narrow corridor past offices where typewriters clicked and burst from gloom into the dazzling light of the Holden lot. He paused on the steps to reassure himself that the great adventure was genuine. There was the full stretch of greensward of which only an edge had shown as he looked through the gate.

It was welcomed as of good augury, for instance, that in the stately Hôtel Majestic, where the spokesmen of the British Empire had their residence, monocled diplomatists mingled with spry typewriters, smart amanuenses, and even with bright-eyed chambermaids at the evening dances. The British Premier himself occasionally witnessed the cheering spectacle with manifest pleasure.

The old house, with its great stone staircase, echoed hollowly to the sound of typewriters and of errand-boys from ten to six.

I tell you, Joe, you don't appreciate how lucky you are to live in woods like this, instead of a city with trolleys grinding and typewriters clacking and people bothering the life out of you all the time! I wish I knew the woods like you do. Say, what's the name of that little red flower?"