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As for the poor office employees, they did their best, moved to it by terror; thirty of them had been "fired" in a bunch that first morning for refusing to serve, besides a number of women clerks and typewriters who had declined to act as waitresses. It was such a force as this that Jurgis had to organize.

You know I ain't got any too many friends, not so many I has to have a waitin' list, and outside of Zenobia and Aunt Martha, and here and there one of the lady typewriters at the office that throws me a smile on and off, they're mostly men. And as for fam'ly, mother, or father, or sisters, or brothers, or real aunts well, you know how I'm fixed. I'm the whole fam'ly myself.

You see if the man I sold the boy to won't jump at it for another hundred." And he whistled cheerily. "I'm sure he will," she smiled. "Still, I should like to help." "Do it if you want to, Beautiful, only I can't associate you with pens and typewriters.

Typewriters were clicking, clippings were being snipped out of a huge stack of newspapers and pasted into large scrap- books, circulars were being folded and made ready to mail for the final appeal. The room was indeed crowded, and I felt that there was no doubt, as Kennedy had said, that nothing much could go on there unobserved by any one to whose interest it was to see it.

Some typewriters are worried because they are not made into wives, and many a one who is a wife wishes she were free again to become a typewriter. Thousands of girls many of them who ought yet to be wearing short dresses and playing with dolls worry because they have no sweethearts, and equal thousands worry because they do have them.

He deviated into the counting-house, where two hundred typewriters made their music, and into the annexe containing the stables and coach-houses, where scores of vans and automobiles, and those elegant coupés gratuitously provided by Hugo for the use of important clients, were continually arriving and leaving. Then he returned to the purchasing multitudes, and plunged therein as into a sea.

Before attacking the day's editorial I tried to decide whether it was the nerve flicking clash of the linotypes, the pecking chatter of the typewriters, or the jarring rumble of the big cylinder presses that was taking the life out of my work. I was impartial in this, but gave it up.

Some manufactured goods from America also find their way to Germany to the extent of perhaps seventy millions a year, comprising machinery such as typewriters and a miscellaneous line of machinery and manufactures.

Truck horses, great as elephants, magnificently harnessed with brass ornaments, drew drays, big enough to carry a small house, to the loading platform where they were quickly laden and sent away. From an opened upper window came the busy click of many typewriters.

The place had been taken possession of, already they were removing the typewriters and tables under the direction of a bailiff. Even the plate bearing Miss Bacon's name had vanished, and boards announcing the top flat to let flaunted themselves from the area railings. After that Joan gave up the hope.