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Tuch excellently explains the mythological significance of the story of Cain and Abel and Seth.

'He calls himself the "sweet singer in Israel," contemptuously replied Ostrovsky's remaining parasite. 'But look here, Pinchas, interposed Benjamin Tuch, another of the displaced demigods, a politician with a delusion that he swayed Presidential elections by his prestige in Brooklyn. 'You said the other day that your initials made "Messianic Poet."

Georgie got sent to bed today and had to stay in bed all the afternoon. mother told her not to tuch a vase that was full of sand to make it heavy. i wanted the sand for my aquarian and so i poored it out. well bimeby Georgie came in and went up to take the vase and it was so lite that when she lifted hard it came up so quick that she went rite over backward and smashed the vase all to bits. mother came running in and found that Georgie wasent hurt, but she howled as loud as she cood so that mother woodent lick her, and so she got sent to bed. mother said it sirved her rite.

Rachel smoothed out the crumpled sheet, and read with a growing sickness at heart: Mr. Bond Deer Sur: i taik my pen in hand to lett you no that with the exception of an occashunal tuch of roomaticks, an boonions all over my fete from hard marchin, ime all rite, an i hope you ar injoin the saim blessin.

July 7, 186- brite and fair. i have been in bed 3 days. on the fourth i got bloan up with Pewts canon. i had fired all my snapcrackers but 2 bunches whitch i had saved for nite, so me and Pewt we was fixing the canon, ferst we wood put in sum powder and then we wood put in sum wet paper for a wod and then we wood put in sum grass and then put in the ramrod and pound it down with a rock. then we wood put a fuze of a snap cracker in the tuch hole and lite it and put for the other side of the street and it wood make an auful bang and tern 2 or 3 sumersets.

Keene was a crocuss and had to come out and sing first becaus the crocuss is the first flower that comes out. she sung i am the first of all the flowers to greet the eyes of spring. Jenny Morison was a tuch me not and set in the top of a rock and sung tuch me not, tuch me not let me alone. Nell Tole was a piny or a sunflower i have forgot whitch.

'But you discovered Shakespeare cannot sustain the comparison, said Benjamin Tuch, winking at the company. 'Only as the mediæval astrologer is inferior to the astronomer of to-day, the poet explained with placid modesty. 'The muddle-headedness of Shakespeare's ideas which, incidentally, is the cause of the muddle of Hamlet's character has given way to the clear vision of the modern.

The Revised Version gives "god" with "gods" in the margin. Tuch, in his commentary on Genesis, and Thenius, in his commentary on Samuel, express substantially the same opinion. Dr.

A Dutch boy smell a cheese! You can never make me believe THAT!" "Vell, it ish no matter," replied Jacob, trudging on beside Ben in perfect good humor. "Vait till you hit mit cheese dat ish all." Soon he added pathetically, "Penchamin, I no likes to be call Tuch dat ish no goot. I bees a Hollander." Just as Ben was apologizing, Lambert hailed him. "Hold up! Ben, here is the fish market.

'I translated Shakespeare yes, but into modern terms. The Ghost vanished Hamlet's tragedy remained only the internal incapacity of the thinker for the lower activity of action. The men of action pricked up their ears. 'The higher activity, you mean, corrected Ostrovsky. 'Thought, said Benjamin Tuch, 'has no value till it is translated into action.