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Silence is not always tact and it is tact that is golden, not silence. Truth-tellers Professional truth-tellers may be trusted to profess that they are telling the truth. Street Preachers These are the costermongers and barrow men of the religious world. Providence and Othello

There is a saving grace in truth which helps truth-tellers through the worst of their troubles, and Katy found this out now. The afternoon was long and hard. Mrs. Knight did not smile once; the lessons dragged; and Katy, after the heat and excitement of the forenoon, began to feel miserable.

Lest such changes should come about through the lapse of time or the evil passions of men, the citizens of the aforesaid nation had them very clearly engraved in a dead language and upon bronze tablets, which they fixed upon the doors of their principal temple, where it stood upon a hill outside the city, and it was their laudable custom to entrust the interpretation of them not to aged judges, but to little children, for they argued that we increase in wickedness with years, and that no one is safe from the aged, but that children are, alone of the articulately speaking race, truth-tellers.

Whenever the position of a ruling class has been threatened, the ruling class has crucified the truth-tellers. Compared with the necessity of protecting ruling class privileges and prerogatives, the right of a man to express his mind goes for nothing. That is the lesson of history and that is what we are witnessing today.

Wordsworth declared be wanted to be considered a teacher or nothing. Mrs. Browning thought that poets were the only truth-tellers left to God. But Swinburne could not help a little preaching at any rate. His "Masque on Queen Bersaba" is an old miracle play of David and Nathan. His "Christmas Antiphones" are hardly Christian, though they are abundant in their allusions to Scripture.

Hell is the work of prigs, pedants and professional truth-tellers. The world is an attempt to make the best of both. Priggishness The essence of priggishness is setting up to be better than one's neighbour. Better may mean more virtuous, more clever, more agreeable or what not.

"'Off you go! said my editor, one fine morning, after I had slaved away for him for nearly two years 'We don't want any canting truth-tellers here! Now mind that stone! You nearly slipped. Hold my arm tighter!" Helmsley did as he was told, quite meekly, looking up with a good deal of curiosity at this tall athletic creature, with the handsome head and masterful manner.

It hardly needs to add that these two novelists are Jane Austen and Walter Scott. It has been said that Miss Austen came nearer to showing life as it is, the life she knew and chose to depict, than any other novelist of English race. In other words, she is a princess among the truth-tellers.

The very vagueness of the official communiques and their word- jugglings to give a rose colour to black shadows advancing rapidly over the spirit of France suggested horrible uncertainties to those who were groping in search of plain truth. But not all the severity of the censorship, with its strangle-grip upon the truth-tellers, could hide certain frightful facts.

"As prepared as any of the truth-tellers who were burned for the love of Christ by the Inquisition," replied Vergniaud deliberately. "The world is wide, there is room for me in it outside the Church." "One would imagine you were bitten by the new 'Christian Democratic' craze," said Moretti with a cold smile, "And that you were a reader and follower of the Socialist, Gys Grandit!"