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What an awful crack! Montana went down, and there was blood everywhere. They took Montana to the hospital, sewed up his head. It wasn't long before he seemed all right again, but he told me sometimes he felt queer. Then they put us on a troop-train, with boys from California and all over, and we came East. I haven't seen any of those other Western boys, though, since we got here.

It had appeared to belong to the reputation of the Church. His movement order was simply from the one port to the other, and was probably good enough either way round with French officials; but there was a paper attached to it indicating that the personnel in question would report at such a time to the R.T.O. at such a station, and the time and the station spelt troop-train unmistakably.

It was getting late in the afternoon and the fifth train to pull in from the south since our advent on the spot or possibly it was the sixth had just halted when, from the opposite direction, a troop-train, long and heavy, panted into sight and stopped on the far track while the men aboard it got an early supper of hot victuals. We crossed over to have a look at the new arrivals.

She was brave pointed out the line of the German advance on the map and it was in a troop-train crowded with French soldiers and then burst into wild weeping, clasping the hand of an English writing-man so that her nails dug into his flesh. I remember her still. "Courage, maman! Courage, p'tite maman!" said the boy of eight. Through Amiens at night had come a French army in retreat.

It was not until midday that the first interruption occurred; then the train pulled in upon a siding, and after an interminable delay it transpired that a north-bound troop-train was expected. José brought this intelligence: "Soon you will behold the flower of the Mexican army," he told Alaire. "You will see thousands of Longorio's veterans, every man of them a very devil for blood.

These were the sum of our instructions. I heard nothing more of Sandy or Greenmantle or the lady. We were meant to travel in our own party. We had the railway to Angora, a very comfortable German Schlafwagen, tacked to the end of a troop-train.

He was pitiless towards himself now that he had forced her to answer. "I've aged more than the five years since you slipped your arm into mine as we marched through the darkness to the troop-train. You never shed a tear, Terry. You kept your promise. Often and often when I was afraid in the trenches I remembered you, a white and gold slip of a girl with dry eyes, waving and waving.

Blessings on the medical men! Third Battalion Hurries From Troopship To Troop-Train Bound For Obozerskaya We Relieve Wearied French Battalion "We Are Fighting An Offensive War" First Engagement Memorable Night March Ends At Edge Of Lake Our Enemy Compels Respect At Verst 458 American Major Hangs On Successful Flank March Takes Verst 455 Front Line Is Set At 445 By Dashing Attack We Hold It Despite Severe Bombardments And Heavy Assaults.

There must have been fifteen or twenty doctors and dressers altogether, and more than a hundred Sisters and nurses. A squad of German soldiers were lined up outside the station, and two officers guarded the entrance. They had a list of our names, and as each name was read out, we were passed into the station, where a long, black troop-train composed of third-class carriages was waiting for us.

Now, the troop-train set out on its devious journey an hour later than the Paris express from the same station, and the hour of the Paris express corresponded with the time that all decent officers go to dinner. Peter therefore removed the first paper, folded it up thoughtfully, and put it in his pocket.